
Do people still adopt out their children?

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I was just curious as to weather people still adopt out their children in australia at birth by choice?




  1. Unfotenatlly yes.

  2. It's a sad situation but they do.  

  3. yes they do,I am also in australia and just recently I found out that my ex wife had given birth to a baby boy that she put up for adoption stating that the father was unknown,the agency rang me for a DNA test after they saw that she had been previously married around the time when the baby would have been conceived,the test came back that he was my baby and now at 6 days old he is in my care  

  4. it is spelled

    and yes of course they still do..

  5. id like to respond not only to your question but to someone Else's answer, unfortunately they do? why is it unfortunate? if you fall pregnant, (and accidents do happen you know) and can not emotionally, financially or mentally support a child should you still keep it. knowing you may not have a stable home, some where safe to take him/her, nothing to feed yourselves, no stable environment. it would not only be unfair to the baby but to your self as well. there are hundreds of people out there that can not have babies of their own, wouldn't it be better to give that child to some one who can give it a real chance in life?. i gave my daughter up for adoption at birth just over 2 1/2 years ago now, i hugged her and told her i loved her and said good bye. i believe it was the best thing i could have done and have never regretted my choice. with so many children being neglected and actually dying at the hands of neglectful parents you think people would be more understanding of adoption. unfortunately? shame on you i say.  

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