
Do people still appreciate the ART of boxing? or, Do they judge on a boxer's lifestyle/personality?

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I think people have lost the love for the art of boxing. And i say this because their is so much hate aimed at Floyd Mayweather Jr. I have heard so called "civilized", "boxing fans" say some of the most hateful, ignorant, and racist things. People this is boxing. And it goes both ways, me being a African American i was upset when B-Hop said"i will never lose to a white boy." whether you're trying to sell tickets or not racism is unacceptable. Anyway back to the issue at hand. DO PEOPLE STILL APPRECIATE THE ART AND THE ARTISTS? What do you think? unbiased answers only please.




  1. You are worrying too much my friend :)  Yes, the real fans of boxing knows the real talent in each boxer and understands why they do what they have to do out of the ring to create the interest of the "masses".  If you are a fan of boxing just because of what the media covers on them outside and in their personal lives or what they say, then you are falling for the media circus that is created to bring the not so knowledgeable boxing fans.  If you really know about boxing you can see what I call the switch of each boxer. Is when you see them train, is when you see the expression on their faces when their first foot steps that ring, at that second is when a real fan can note the difference. The other just waits for a resolution of what they think should be the outcome becuase of what they did or said out of the ring.

    I tried to keep it short, but I could write a book about this, hahaa.  Well I think you get the idea, if not, just study or research about marketing.  Yes real boxing fans do appreciate the art of boxing above all!  and No, they don't judge them based on their personalities and lifestyles.

    Hopkins said what he had to say to sell, and Mayweather is a very smart boxer and business man above all.  He has almost total control of his carrer and knows what he wants.

    Well, hope this helped you buddy, have a great day!

  2. I completely agree with you that people have lost the love for the art of boxing. It seems to me that every time a big fight comes up everyone makes it a race issue or a personal life issue, no longer do people praise a boxer for his boxing skill but for what race/country/religion they belong to.

    People also need to understand that many boxers throughout history trashed talked just for the simple reason of building hype/selling tickets. However, I also agree with you that we should draw the line as to how far the trash talking should go, because it definitely isn't acceptable to be racist or cross the line with what you say.

    I am a Mexican-American and I am a fan of boxers of every color and nationality. I think Floyd Mayweather Jr. is a great boxer who's defensive skill is very underrated and doesn't get the credit it deserves. On the other hand, I  wish that he would accept fights with boxers who people say would defeat him easily, just so he could silence the critics, but at the end of the day only he can decide who he wants to box and I support his right to choose whoever he wants.

    I hope fans of boxing and the boxers themselves can really change this state of mind that exists in the sport so that boxing can start to be recognized as much more than just a "poor man's sport".

  3. I hold sports stars to a high standard of conduct. Like it or not, they are role models for kids and should act accordingly.

    What Hopkins said doesn't really bother me though. he was chuckling and couldn't keep a straight face while saying it. he was just trying to create interest. The only problem I have with it is the fact that if a white guy said it - the freaking world would come to and end! I hate the double standard.

  4. look bro! pay no attention to the money may hater's! these guys {most of them} fought  in the amateurs and fought hard! then turn professional and fight they *** off.We don't know who is holding back the fight with Cotto & Money May but if Cotto want to fight all he has to say is "I wanna fight Mayweather !" and I bet you a t******e it would be on! but back to you r question if I achieved all those things I would be full of **** too!

  5. most people see boxing as old fashioned now that mixed maretial arts seen in UFC are the new age of fighting, also people are more in to the violence of UFC where anything goes.

  6. No such thing as an unbiased answer.  There have always been 2 types of boxing fans:  fans of the art/science and fans of the violence.  So yes, folks still do appreciate it, but it will never be more than 25% of boxing fans.  Most just want to enjoy watching someone getting hurt, and that is the goal of a boxing match.

  7. I have always admired and appreciated the art of boxing and love the history of it and the stories of the fighters lives.  Yes there is always going to be some folks that do not respect the opinions of others or put down certain fighters either of yesteryear or today.  There will always be ignorance and racism and hate filled comments.  But as for me personally, yes I still appreciate the art of boxing, the strategy of the combatants, and the skill and toughness to compete at a high level.

  8. It is interesting that no one here has mentioned the greatest legend of all time, Muhammed Ali.  Ali was one of the pioneers in trash talking to promote fights.  He routinely insulted his opponents, calling Frazier "ignorant" and a "gorilla" for example.  Ali also was not one to mix it up.

  9. Most fight fans want to see fighters get in there and mix it up. Mayweather doesn't do that. He is also very mouthy which many people don't like.

  10. As I read this, I'm reminded of a post I participated in last week.  It really scares me that if Willie Pep were fighting today, he wouldn't be popular.  He'd be called a coward, he'd be called scared; a runner.  ALL DEFENSE?  What's wrong with him. . . is he a girl?  And this is an ALL-TIME GREAT we're talkin' about here, kids!!!

    Yes, I agree that the ART of boxing is starting to die, and the giant cavemen with their clubbing punches and minimal defense have more belts than teeth.  Mayweather, while I'm not a fan of his mouth or image, is a phenomenal "artist" in the ring.  His moves haven't been seen since a young Cassius Clay. . . .and Floyd isn't even done yet.  

    Great question. . .and I see that contrary to popular belief, not ALL boxing fans are bloodthirsty thrillseekers.  I sigh with a bit of relief.

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