
Do people still look down on interracial dating?

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Specifically hispanic and white. I don't understand why so many people have been telling me it is wrong. Why is it? I love my boyfriend and don't think color should matter. Is there anywhere where it is more acceptable, I live in the South. Thanks




  1. People still do look down on interaccial dating. As you can see, there is still racism in the world today. I think it is stupid. Me and this boy were going to date(This white boy, I am black) but, we knew that his family had some problems with him dating black girls. We talk everyday. Anyways, I don't see no problem with it. You are right color sholdnt matter, me and ~this boy~ are probably going to go and say Fu(k his family!


  2. I can go one step further - how about interracial religion.   Specifically, Protestant vs Catholics.  Won't go into details.  

  3. In my opinion, interracial dating and marriage have never been "wong"--just, in some circumstances, unwise, and that's only because of external factors.  In some communities, mixed families face prejudice and harassment, but that's the fault of the people committing those acts  .How do your family and his feel about the relationship?  If it should blossom into marriage, would they be supportive?  These are the considerations that really matter.

    Now, yes, probably you would find more tolerance in other parts of the country, especially metropolitan areas.

    Good luck!  

  4. yea people do but i dont care about it....if your happy then go shouldnt let other people bring u down out of ur happyiness

  5. Some people still frown upon it - but i think it's becoming more widely accepted these days. If you love your boyfriend then stick with him, colour definitely doesn't matter. Also, I don't think you should have to move simply because people can't accept you being together!

  6. Here in California no one really cares if you are Caucasian, African American, Hispanic, Asian, g*y or straight as long as you are happy and do not adversely affect our lives.

  7. It shouldn't matter.

    But the fact is there is still a LOT of bigotry out there,

    and there always will be.

    I have friends who are normal, liberal, intelligent

    people; but who would burst a blood vessel if

    their daughter came home and said she was

    marrying an African American or Hispanic boy.

    It's just the way the world is, unfortunately.

  8. It may just be your town and it could be more than his race. Friends and relatives tend to be protective of girls and women and no man ever fits the bill. I promise you it isn't a southern problem. Some people just can't get past it. However, it's their problem and not yours. If you love him, he treats you well, then it doesn't matter what they think. I do know what you mean one point in my life my mother asked me if I planned on dating anyone American. She wasn't trying to be's just that in my younger days, I was very attracted to Hispanic or Asian men.  

  9. The key words you've given are "you live in the South". I'm from Houston, Tx. And when I dated outside my race while living at home I received some of the worst "flack" from people who where Black, White, and Hispanic. I was raised to never date outside my race because it would be looked upon as disgraceful to the family if I did. But on the other hand, my other brother has never dated a black girl, and he now has a baby by a white woman that he met upon moving to Arizona. Ands she really cool person, so I can see why he would chose her, but it’s amazing to me how it’s acceptable for him in my father’s eyes, because he's a black man (he's just doing what the white man had done for years), but unacceptable and disgraceful for me to date anyone who’s not black. He almost flipped his lid when he found out I was seeing a Puerto Rican. And at first it mattered to me what he thought, but now I really don't give a dam. Because he doesn't live my life for me. And neither does anyone else who looks down upon me for doing so. What really changed my mind about his theory on interracial dated was have a conversation we had where he told me:

    "I would rather see you with a black man who’s in and out of jail with a GED than to see you with someone of another color".

    How stupid is that? But, that's the way that some people think. They would rather see you with someone of your own color and be miserable, than to see you be with someone of another race and be happy. But it's up to you if let those ideas influence how you feel towards the man you love, or if you chose to ignore them and keep on moving. Love is love regardless of the color of one's skin.

  10. Unfortunately even in 2008 alot of people still look down on it..I am white and my boyfriend is black and we really get funny looks from alot of people and get treated unfair alot of places we go it is really sad but if u love each other who cares what anyone thinks!!

  11. i think interracial dating is AWESOME

    who cares what ppl say

  12. I'm white, my husband is hispanic, we live in TX, and we never have any looks or comments from people. My family was fine with it and so is his. Not even anyone at church that we know has a problem with it. And if anyone ever did say anything about it, I would tell them, he is a better man than any white man I could've been with, and it's my choice and none of their business.  But, for some reason, my family would've had a hard time if I had been with a black guy. I was never attracted to any, and I guess it's good since it would've caused problems.

  13. I LOVE interracial relationships I think there the best!

    I my-self have been in plenty of interracial relationship and I love how two couples of different race or cultures come together and love each other!


  14. I live in Southern California where it is really diverse. I see many interracial couples and I think over here it is more common and accepted.  

  15. Yes, there are a lot of racist people out there.

  16. I think it's pretty much contained in the south, but you're going to find bigots everywhere.  Every city and every state has a few rednecks who look down on it.  I'm a product of white and hispanic, but I live in California - one of the most liberal states...but there are bigots here too.

  17. If you wanna be accepted for dating a hispanic boyfriend as a white girl or vise versa, your best bet would be in Spain.

  18. Who are these people who think they could set the standard? where do they get their truth from. Is it illegle, or are you dating a criminal or are you dating an abuser... If the answer is no then your not doing anything wrong. I'm a white female married to a real DARK Mexican. Haaaa! It's so acceptable here in California. Their a dime a dozen here. Wow, it sucks how the southerns are so behind with times and how ignorant they are to what should be acceptable or not. It's just skin color. They need to stop acting like your dating a murderer. People should not go by a persons skin color but by the content of their heart. If he treats you like an angel then go for it and move to california. Get away from the south. Their really weird there anyway. I have a friend from Texas he tells me a lot of really weird storys about the people there.  

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