
Do people tend to do or say things while they're high than later forget that they said or did them? ?

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Do people tend to do or say things while they're high than later forget that they said or did them? ?




  1. Usually no. But you still can't hold them to anything they said.

  2. I have several friends that smoke pot and I have never heard of someone "forgetting" something just because they were stoned. I don't smoke pot and never have, but my understanding of the drug is that you can't smoke to the point of blackout like you can with other things. In fact alcohol is the only thing I have ever heard of causing this type of memory loss (memory loss caused by the consumption of something).

  3. I have never heard of pot doing that, nor I have experienced that happening. I feel that is more of a problem with alcohol.  

  4. i have...apparently i was sitting next to a guy on my couch whispering in his ear right in front of my b/f...i don't remember it...i was too gone though...However; the majority of the time...i remember ****...if you don't smoke and they do...they are probably using it as an excuse b/c you don't know what it's like to be high

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