
Do people that are lucky or smart enough to be millionaires. Do they deserve it?

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Pardon the grammatical errors in the question. I am in an iron lung and don't write too well. I believe in capitalism and I think wealthy people should be able to enjoy their personal weatlh within in this society without giving it away to bums that sit at home.

I have made my money working very hard and sent three children through college and one is in grad school and one is an eagle scout. I paid my way and now I get to be a beach bum.




  1. It could be either or both reasons.  

    Some (probably a great many) deserve it and some don't as much as others  Why else for instance would the best elementary school teacher(s) in the world not become a millionaire but someone who opens up a fastfood restaurant likely will become one? I guess some fields are not meant to be as $$ rewarding though as others

  2. hey bum, Most people who become millionaires work for it. The most popular vehicle bought by new millionaires if a ford f150 pickup. Any idea why? So they can work for it harder. And you answered your own question about smart.

  3. Most people that are rich earned it and deserve every penny. If you are rich because of an accident of birth you are no more to blame than somebody born poor. The amount of money you have doesn't define who you are even though many think so. Whether you are worthy or not has nothing to do with the amount of money you have. How you live your life and what you do with what you've got are the only determining factors. On judgement day (and I believe there'll be one) thats the only thing that will matter.

  4. every one deserves what the get

  5. Yes, I do.  I've worked my tail off.  I had 2 businesses fail, and almost went bankrupt (only had my car and my brain).  Grew up in Appalachia, parents very poor.  Worked my way through college (2 jobs ... no loans).

  6. Money falls to those who don't do something productive out of it..

  7. of course they do.  it is the American way and i am just jealous that i couldn't do it for myself and my kids.

    when did it become a crime in America to be rich?  i thought that was the capitalist goal and what we all strive for.  a better life for our families.

  8. I would say lucky, no: smart ,yes.

  9. people who actually earned it like bill gates do. but people like paris hilton should just die cause they are not worth anything.

  10. And who are we to question?

    Now divide your question into those who are in the luck sperm club and those who worked for it.

    Luck plays no part with those who worked for it.

    The "rich" keep getting rich because they keep doing the things that make them rich.

    The poor stay poor becuase they keep doing the things that make them poor.

    Fact: most of today's wealthy are yesterday;s poor or begining workers.

    We can help those begining workers get over the hump faster with the Fair Tax Act.  H.R. 25

    see Frequently Asked Questions about the FairTax

    oh, and "raffy" needs to take an econ course.

  11. Lucky? Most people who have the Big Mill worked for it!

  12. The more millionaires we have in a country, the better because it means more money is circulating faster. People like Paris Hilton with ridiculous spending habits are some of the best people for the economy. Even if they're doing stupid **** with their money, it's still really helpful.

  13. They have to be able to formulate a sentence.

  14. Yes.  But I must say there should be be a cap on how much money one person can have.  I have, in mind, sports stars, movie stars and the like.

  15. One would presume the same question if you have a winning scratch ticket for a dollar.

  16. Well, the ones that work really hard deserve it more than the ones that are just lucky.  What makes someone deserving of millions?  Who can say?  Hard work is a pretty good reason.  But some people are unable to work.  People that have money should help the poor.

  17. I guess that is why you are a beach bum and their are thousands of millionaires!! Trade in your board for a Brooks Brothers suit!!

  18. Why does this discussion ever go on.  Who is anybody to say whether or not someone "deserves" to be wealthy?  It's none of my business if someone is wealthy, I need to worry about me.

    The secret is, if someone doesn't "deserve" to be wealthy, they probably won't be for long, because there's plenty of people who'll be happy to take it from them...look at the lottery winners...some of these people wind up back buying tickets in a couple of years because they blow it all.

  19. Some are born rich, some get rich by luck and some get rich by hardwork.  The rich people deserve to be rich and if we want to become rich, we have to work for it.

  20. Yup

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