
Do people that can't spell correctly drive you NUTS?

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Everyone makes an occasional faux pas, but when I see like 10-15 (or more) misspelled words in a small paragraph, I wonder how these people can get by, have a job, etc. Allowing people to just keep on writing things any old way that comes off of their fingertips just seems to make it worse. What happened to self-pride? The desire to excel and be your best? I realize spelling isn't the end-all as a measure of one's worth, but - sheesh!




  1. It's not just spelling...but also use of improper grammar and that stupid texting (abbreviations that people use.

    They seem to forget...or not even realize...that there is an entire keyboard at their fingertips. Also, there is a spell check but some people either ignore it or don't know how to use it.

    I have to agree with you. There seems to be a lack of self worth and pride. Even worse is that many people (teens, mostly) think it's "cool" to write or speak like that. Using "da" instead of "the", "wit" instead of "with", "dat" or "dem" instead of "that" or "them", "ppl" instead of "people", "no" instead of "know" and where did that word "homie" come from? Also...the use of the word "ho". Jeez...that is a garden tool. Also extremely annoying is the improper use of people have forgotten where to put a comma or apostrophe. "They're" is the contraction for "they are". "Their" means something belongs to someone. "You're is the contraction for "you are". "Your" again means that something belongs to someone.

    Some misspellings and misuse of grammar is intentional...and that only makes it worse. I can understand an occasional misspelling but give me a break...if you don't know how to spell something, use spell check or get out the d**n dictionary. People who do it on purpose only make themselves look uneducated and stupid. End of story.


  2. i to fnid tihs annoyng poeple shude macke moore off a efert to spel corectly by the way i thik you spellt sheesh! incorectly it is spellt sheessh!

  3. Yep..I understand, An occasional misspelled word in understandable. However, when you are writing something that other people will see, you would think that you would be a little more careful, as well as take advantage of spell check.  

  4. Yes, poor grammar skills are VERY annoying.  It's like people totally disregard that little red line that pops up under a word that you've mutilated.

  5. ya

  6. This does drive me nuts, and I will tell you how they get by and have jobs - they expect the people under them to fix their mistakes.  If it isn't the improper use of your/you're, their/there/they're, then/than, or trying to replace "would have" by using "would of" it's that they just don't know how to spell anything at all!  I suspect that it has something to do with schools caring more about kids packing guns rather than learning how to spell, or <gasp> speak English!  

    "I would of sayed more, but mines answerq is alreddi longer then you're querstion"

  7. i no wut u meen.  pepole speling rong is rilly anoying.

  8. Yes they do drive me nuts - it's actually very annoying - I mean I know we're busy people and all - but to abbreviate every word is riduculous.....slow down people b/c you're making yourselves look idiotic and uneducated!

  9. The new yahoo spellchecker is worse than the old one!!!!

  10. Misspelling along with improper grammar.

    It is especially irritating when you try to help them by correcting their mistake and they don't take it well.

  11. Harry, what about bad grammar?  It's "people WHO can't spell correctly"!   Pull your panties out of your crack and get used to life in the 21st. Century; you aren't going to change  the dumbing-down of your fellow Earthlings.

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