
Do people that grow up in a spiritual homes have trouble fitting in ?

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Do people that grow up in a spiritual homes have trouble fitting in ?




  1. sometimes..

    my husband was from a very spiritual home.. Fundimental Christian.. he even taught sunday school for a while..

    then he realized Christianity was c**p.. people were worshiping the wrong dude..(jesus is NOT God). and using religion as an excuse for everything

    he is still spiritual.. but we are in a Christian area.. and he is having a much harder time than I am.. I think its because his upbringing was way harsher...

  2. I think they do because sometimes their parents shelter them from what's really going on out there.  Then when they get out there they are seeing how people are for the first time.

  3. Not at all!  You just remember the rule about religion and politics, you don't bring up those subjects.  I think with your spituality you have been brought up to be a kind and compassionate person.  And friends are always looking for that kind of friend to have.

  4. If you seek out friends with simular back grounds......Today alot of kids are not brought up spiritualy and find it hard fitting in.....You can choose your own friends         even if you only have one true friend......

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