
Do people that work at Target or Walmart have "dibs" on any of the on sale merchandise on Black Friday?

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or is it free-for-all, or they don't get anything? I have just always wondered. So if any of you who have worked in on of these places an Black Friday, please answer.




  1. It is nearly a free-for-all. Those working until, say 5AM stocking know what will be up at cheap prices. If they get up in time, they que up like anyone else.

  2. lol...i wish we had dibs...but then of course that wouldnt be fair for the the way its no longer called black friday...its now called green friday...someone got offended awhile back,and it was changed (yeah im serious) the other person said its a free for all..if we are off the clock (day off or come in later for work) then we have the same chance as the customers....if we are working then we have to wait until our 15 min. break or lunch.i cant speak for Target and the other stores but personally i just wait anyways...whatever is left over from the blitz sales is still going to be the same price....also check the reshop carts they push to customer service...people often change their minds on a blitz item and sometimes you can find some good items

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