
Do people think a car signal is an option on the car why don't they use it?

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Do people think a car signal is an option on the car why don't they use it?




  1. Amazing isn't it? Here we have cars with all kinds of technology including blinkers yet idiots do not use them. I drive in metro Houston, and it is unreal the unsafe lane changes people make. My fave though is the person who lets the blinker blink one time after they are in the other lane.

  2. That's old school know people is more interested in talking over the phone or listening to the radio instead of turning their cars light 30 minutes before sunset or using signal lights when won't change that, believe me.

  3. 1) People are lazy - Consider the proliferation of automatic transmissions despite all of their disadvantages. Some cars have cruise control, automatic headlights and rain-sensing windshield wipers. God forbid that you ever have to touch any vehicle controls and actually do something manually!

    2) People are arrogant - They are entitled to change lanes whenever they darn well please and it is YOUR responsibility to avoid them. After all, the whole world revolves around them.

    3) People are stupid - using a turn signal requires them to either hang up their cell phone, stop applying make-up, or cease whatever other distraction they are engaged in.

  4. Conspirators of insurance companies I say lol!  Just kidding of course, I think.  People are ignorant, but then there are always the people that flick their signal on and then never shut it off...equally as annoying.

  5. Wack Question!

  6. I live in NYC.  We don't have traffic law.  They are only "suggestions" to the drivers.

    I am also getting sick of these drivers.

    Good Luck

  7. Lol, I know.  I've only had my license for a year, and honestly so many drivers p**s me off.  Is it right that an 18 year old is a better driver than some 50 year old woman thats been driving forever??

  8. I think that the blinker must be an option on certain vehicles. ha ha. I couldn't count the number of times I have had ignorant ******* turn right infront of me without using their turn signal. So, I figure their vehicle probably just didn't come with a blinker.

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