
Do people think berfore they talk?

by Guest66664  |  earlier

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what yall think?




  1. There are people out there that I swear never think...but yes some people say what comes to mind, and then thinks afterwards if they should have said it or not..

  2. Not in California

  3. ...erm.

  4. no it is like this question

  5. At times,but most people are pretty good at sticking their foot in their mouth.

  6. Well, I was raised to do just that. My Dad was a Marine and he was very strict on you learned to think before speaking!

  7. yes because God made our brain to think

    and the brain is upper than the mouth

  8. Do people THINK before asking stupid questions?

  9. Not to make fun of anyone or anything...but, i would say that everyone has got times when they don't think at all before they speak........expacially those talkative people. Thats what i think.

  10. Ah, the question of the ages.  Do people think before they talk.  The more self-involved and self-centered people are, the more they just jabber and blabber about whatever.

    Also, it seems that the art of simple conversation is just fading away.  I say that because it seems more and more people don't know how to "listen".  They talk just dandy, but to really listen to someone without trying to formulate an answer (usually involving themselves) is getting more and more rare.

    I remember my dad saying once..."The best compliment you can give someone is to just listen... just listen."

    People used to have common manners to keep to themselves 1. Rude remarks  2. Comments about things they know nothing about.  3. Intimate details or their life story.  That was reserved for very few people.  Not now.  Whatever is thought is broadcast to the mountain tops.  It's unwise, it shows how UN-classy you are and tells the world what a fool you are.

    So to answer your question... not many people think before they talk.  Whatever is on their mind is what comes babbling out all over the place... manyh times loudly. Sad.  But I think you are on track with your question...

  11. h**l no!

    Oh wait, let me think. Maybe I shouldn't have said that.

  12. Haha. I wish.


  13. The human brain never stops working, therefore never stops thinking. So technically, people always think before they talk. People just use that as an expression when someone says something without thinking it over well enough.

        Good question. Thanks for asking.

  14. Have you actually read any other questions/answers on these forums?.... should answer your question..

  15. No they do not.  Neither do they stop and consider the consequences of their actions before they act.

  16. you know killa, it depends on the situation.....

    some times you face person he seems bad communicator but if the topic have benefit to him.

    you wish to talk like him.

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