
Do people underestimate short guys as being weak and scrawny? height advantage in fights?

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do people underestimate short guys as being weak and scrawny? like i'm 5'6" and kids underestimate me by saying i'm weak etc. when i'm fist/physically fighting kids taller than me, do they feel less intimidated and more confident to knock me out? do they have an advantage? like i'm 5'6" and let's say i was up face to face to a guy my age, 5'11" ...... would he underestimate me cuz i'm shorter? if i was 6'3" or 6'4" would he be more intimidated? is height important?




  1. im short boxer too my stargedy is that i wait for oppenent to jab first and duck and weave to hit with heavy body shots then explode to face ya need to be a in and out fighter

    practice more on dodging and weaving need to get in that way and be fast as other fighters have a longer arms so become a body punch hitter to break their guards down as makes easier for face shots aim for knock outs right hand or hooks everyone as a special punch they perfer ask ya boxing coach a this tecnique is esp for shorter people with shortier arm span

  2. hey man...if you show them that ur not weak and intimidate them not using your height or muscles trust me they will be intimidated.........there are alot of ways you can do this and most of them will probobly make you look like u would kill the next person who touches you so if u wanna hear them message me..........but dude reach and leverage only help in boxing, remember that they are taller and that a nice good kick in the side of the leg will make him bend and when he bends haha u knock his lights out! ( really depends if you know how to fight and know vital points ) hope i helped ya

  3. I'm short and I LIKE being under-estimated.  Then I have the element of suprise me with.  I'd say pound for pound shorter guys are A LOT tougher than most males.  And A LOT FASTER!!


    The bigger they are, the harder they fall. (lol)

  4. Two words if you're into boxing.



    Shorter people have a disadvantage in these two areas.

  5. I know I always feel the advantage when I fight someone shorter. I'm 6'3, I've got a long reach, and I'm fighting at 155 pounds so I have a major size advantage. Almost makes me feel like a bully sometimes lol

    Not saying I dont respect smaller guys, I just feel I have the upper hand.

  6. Yes taller people believethey have an advantage over shorter people. But most street fights the taller person does not know how to use his reach to his advantage. Also some short guys have a Napoleon complex.

  7. In my opinion no I think you only look scarwny and weak when you are thin and have no muscle mass at all.

  8. taller guys have reach which is a huge advantage in a fight if you know what your doing. shorter dudes seem to try to wrestle alot instead of standing up and swinging from my experience.

  9. A lot of times shorter guys have more muscle mass, but if you're just straight boxing, then the guys with the longer reach have the advantage

  10. height is important, especiall cause the taller you are, the further your reach. meaning that the other taller guy might be able to hit you while you can't reach him. best way to overcome this is taking the fight to the ground.

  11. We short guys tend to be more agile, and faster.  There are advantages to both.  The trick is to not be consumed by your testosterone and not worry about it.

  12. Ok tall people think they are better fighters due to the intimidation factor. The fact of the matter is, however, shorter people are MUCH better naturally at wrestling, and taller better at boxing. Most street fights if your fighting someone the same weight end up tied up, so shorter people have some advantages. BAsicly, whomever can impose their style will win the fight. If you look at the UFC, wrestlers tend to dominate, and when a striker is not skilled (like average people) they will mostly miss you. Basilcy if you are stronger wrestler, you have a huge advantage. So basicly, two unskilled people are in a fight and the taller one misses a punch and the shorter one gets his hands on him, theres trouble for lanky. Shorter people have lower center of gravity and are able to put on muscle better as well, both fantastic for wrestling. Kick some tall ***.

  13. in a fight... a real fight... the only advantage being taller has is maybe having a longer reach than the other person. Being shorter... can be helpful sometimes especially if the guy is much taller than you... you can squirm your way out of stuff... I'm about average height and I've fought taller and shorter guys... it all depends on teh fighter... hwo much fight is in you? Are you willing to go all out and not hold back? are you scared of fighting? how much pain can you take? How much knowledge in fighting to you have... ... as mentioned... i've fought taller and shorter guys... what makes the difference is how much you want to win and how hard you are willing to fight..... I will tell you though.. sometimes... the fight really isn't worth it. I love martial arts as well as combat fighting... i did both when I was in the military... there are times when its not worth it... remember that.... remember this.... it depends on who wants it more.... and that a fight is not always worth it...... who cares what others think.... its you that matters.

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