
Do people understantd what Obama's change means?

by  |  earlier

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If Obama becomes president, and Nancy Peloci is speaker of the house, and we have a majority of democrats in the congress, that means no one could stop them from doing whatever they want to do. Obama has VERY liberal views. We could be paying 50 % taxes to pay for all of his social programs. This in turn could hurt a lot of businesses, putting people out of work. Do people really understand the "changes" he has in mind?




  1. Obama keeps talking about change, but has not ever said anything specific that he plans to change. I ask many of his supporters what he plans to change and they tell me that they are sure he will make a lot of change. They still can not answer specifically what Obama plans to do or what he plans to change. I wonder if he even knows...

  2. thanks for the enlightenment. I don't know if obama will be the best for this country but I know mccain will not. I am an independent voter.

  3. So you believe that a mother should have her son took away for posession of marijuana for years at a time? And you believe that if someone smokes marijuana they deserve to go to jail for years at a time?? And what do Pot-Head and Moron have in common....Pot-Heads are not morons just because they like to smoke marijuana the real morons are the people who are running our country right now and its going to be just as bad if McCain gets into office..

    Also i would be VERY interested in hearing your reply......also you think alcohol is ok but its more deadly and intoxicating than marijuana.....but oh...alcohol is politically OK so its not as bad right? Lets just have a country full of suicidal alcoholics

    Reply to Edit:

    America tried leaving the important thinking to the sober people......obviously it didnt but really give me a half way decent reply on my whole comment above this and stop trying to avoid my opinion.....


    In my last question about marijuana you put....our country would be full of pot-head and your saying its actually the other drugs that it leads too that would be the problem.....well that would not be true if it was legal....the reason that marijuana can lead to other drugs is the fact that where you can find marijuana you can probably find other illegal drugs too....if pot were legal then people wouldnt have to go to drug dealers house to get pot where there would be a great chance of being introduced to other drugs......I have been smoking marijuana for around 7 years now and the only other type of drug i have tried is Mushrooms and that is only because i wanted to see what the experience was like....i never done shrooms after that because i knew it wasnt something i wanted to get involved in


    and alcohol leads to alcoholism......i think by your replys i have already won this debate im finished now

  4. Leaving the market in its current state isn't exactly helping people economically.  I don't think McCain can fix the market without some major investment, either.  Change costs money, look at what FDR did.  

    People need to stop expecting a different result with the same economic policies.  And stop being afraid of progress.

  5. The only reason we have to have such high taxes is because of what George Bush and his n**i clan did. We are in the **** hole right now because of them and we have to raise taxes to get more money to the government. Yes, I don't like taxes and I'm gettting paid 1/3 of what I should now because of how bad the economy is doing, but I understand all of them.

    You, my friend, do not.

    For the record, I liked Edwards over Obama and Hilary.

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