
Do people who are close share a form of esp?

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Do people who are close share a form of esp?




  1. Rarely. So called esp is really just a prediction.

  2. No they do not share any form of extra-sensory perception, but they can have very close empathy. People who live together or know each other really well can finish each others sentences, anticipate each others wants and needs, etc. This is undertanding and empathy and doesn't need to be explained by anything supernatural.

    There has never been a single documented case of ESP in the history of mankind. Everything is anecdotal -- just read those stories in the other answers to this question. Because something unusual happened coincidentally, people explain it by ESP. People always forget the thousands of thoughts that were NOT transmitted by ESP and only remember the positive coincidences. That is not proof. As soon as someone tries to prove ESP under laboratory conditions, they end up with nothing.

  3. My aunt and I have had several cases of esp.  I've called her and she was like "I was just talking about you". And the same with me. I would be talking about her and there she is calling on the telephone!

  4. Yes my family does we can think and we know when and where to call, me and my friends have it too nothing unusual on that lots of people have the intuition

  5. yes

    friends that connect and family memebers

    they have an irresistable urge to contact you when you need them

  6. YES!     One time my husband and I fell asleep with our heads touching each other. We both woke up at the same exact time (middle of the night) and discovered that we had just both had the same dream.  Exactly the same dream,word for word .   We thought it was cool so we tried it the next night and it worked again.    We didn't only do it at night eitherit happened all the time.   We were soulmates and that's one of the benefits of having a soulmate. Being as close to a person as you are to yourself.   When he died I knew how it felt to be dead,and part of me is dead.

  7. I think family with deep connections do

  8. I do believe this.


  9. ///

  10. yes,and i think the same happens when you see somebody

    for the first time,there are this individuals that you feel like you

    know them for eternities,so i would say yes they share some esp connection

  11. I'll tell you two stories and you decide. My brother was supposed to have gone to his college class and the rest of the family was having a quiet day at home. Suddenly, my mom jumped up and said, "I gotta find Dave." We all knew he was at class so no one understand why she was so upset and anxious to find him. So she got in the car and left. His car wasn't at college or at his job. Then Dave called. He was calling from the emergency room. Someone had smashed his face into an arcade machine and glass broke off in his eye.

    Here's my second story. I have a friend that I talk to often. One day we were on the phone and she said she felt like we had had this conversation before. Somehow she was able to tell me what I was wearing and what position I was laying in in detail. She even knew what I was going to say next. She said she had a dream about it.

  12. yes, all humans who realize the time-space continuous develop esp abilities. It is a common secret used by top government agencies to influence friends and enemies to their benefit. That's how they keep the world under their thump

  13. No. They just know each other really well. Nothing mysterious here.

  14. I think so for several personal reasons:

    1. Every time I dream I am pregnant, I find out within a few days that someone I am close to just found out they are pregnant. And I mean, even if I have not talked to them in weeks and they were not trying to get pregnant. This has happened more times than I can count, and it has NEVER failed. The first few times it was a bit freaky, but I chalked it up to coincidence. Now when it happens, I just call my mom or grandma and say "alright, who's pregnant this time, I had the dream!", LOL. (I have a big family.)  

    2. I always get a weird, anxious feeling when something bad happens to someone I love, even before I receive the news. I know it's bad, and I know who it is, but I don't know what until I make the call or they call me first.

    3. The biggest thing: when I was 5, my mom dropped me off at preschool on her way to work, and about 10 minutes later I got up from my desk for no good reason, walked up to the teacher and told her my mom was in a bad car wreck. She of course told me, no she wasn't, she was fine, she just left here, blah blah. A little later on she got the call that someone else would be picking me up that day, because my mom was near death in the hospital from the wreck that occured at the very instant I walked up and said that to the teacher. Luckily my mom did not die, but she was in bad shape for a very long time.

    I don't try to understand this, I don't question it, I can't control it and I don't try to. For me, it just is what it is.

  15. Apparently, there are quite a few cases of identical twins who share a form of ESP.

    Otherwise, it's not necessary that people are close to share the ESP at all.

  16. not neccesarily,sometimes just coz they need each other they try 2 stay close

  17. Not always, but frequently, depending on the exact state of their relationship and how they feel about each other. I know people that expreience this frequently. It is a form of intuition that occurs with people we are more familiar with and whose own vibrations and feelings we are less likely to subconsciously block out. In theory you could do this with anyone except that your mind would not let it in without a lot of convincing and work on your part.

  18. No, they just know each other from a personal point of perspective. If you know someone long enough, and happen to have a good relationship with them - it would mean you'd have developed an understanding of each other in between (which plays a role in holding together the relationship).

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