
Do people who are involved in gangs, usually commit crimes to other people in gangs?

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Do people who are involved in gangs, usually commit crimes to other people in gangs?




  1. the majority does for they feel others are trying to take over their turfs and being where they shouldn't be. Gangs like to control others from another gang member to even people that isn't apart of such. Many innocent people get's hurt from the rivals of riots they do and each culture believes in differant actions. Crips,Reds,Lords and more all need to be reeducated for their protection ends up getting others hurt. Every gang believes revenge on others to get even for whatever in their belief of keeping the control. From one gang to another attacks of crime is committed and the innocent get's the worse out of it. People in gangs need to stop trying to play authority and stop trying to convince the public that authority from officiers etc doesn't work for their communities and check the laws and learn to use them instead of breaking them so much. Gangs vandelize and distroy the beauty of life's surroundings. Get out of being apart of such and take control of your own life. It's your choice not theirs to be apart or not. They are crime hitters and look at laws are to be broken when laws are to be abide by.

  2. Yes, because there are gang wars and drive by shootings. Many gangs are in conflict with each other due to territory, etc. So they end up fighting each other for control.

  3. You'll find the most violence between gangs when it involves controlling the area drug trade.

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