
Do people who chew and pop gum loudly know how annoying and ignorant they appear in regards to manners?

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You ever notice that the majority of people who do this are people who act like ******* or are dressed and act like scumbags, no matter the gender?




  1. I have to disagree with you.  I don't act or dress like a scumbag, but sometimes I do pop my gum.  If I do it at work, I do it quietly (sucking the bubble back into my mouth).  It makes a quiet little pop.  But that's at my desk.  I would never do such a thing in a meeting or otherwise.  In my own time, I pop my gum.  Sometimes I'll see how loud I can pop.  But there is a curteous way to do it and an obnoxious way to do it.  I don't think you should generalize.

  2. I am not to ashamed that I am a gum popper......however I didn't even realize I was doing it until someone pointed it out. I tried to stop doing it and I just kept popping my gum not even realizing I was doing so I made the decision to only chew gum when I am by myself that way I can pop all I want.

    And FYI I do don't act like an ****** or dress like a scumbag. I find it annoying when people chew their gum loudly but the gum popping doesn't bother me.

  3. They are well aware of themselves, they don't care. I hate popping gum, but the majority of those who pop it are trying to annoy those around them. Adults and teenagers anyway.  

  4. do u realize its unpolite to post a question in the internet just to offend those ppl (including me)?

  5. Omg, really I just want to pop them upside the head and tell them if they want to chew like a cow they should move to a farm. Its so annoying!

    I've noticed a lot of people do this though not just scummy looking people rather people who have no sense of etiquette and manners. People who act and eat like pigs, its one of my biggest issues with people. I am very lucky to have had a father who did pop me in the back of the head when I ate or chewed like an animal.. its just plain nasty.

    I see a lot of teen girls doing this, and grown men mostly...sometimes they are dressed nice but the kind of people who would f**t at a dinner table. Blah  

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