
Do people who commit suicide deserve one ounce of respect?

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Do people who commit suicide deserve one ounce of respect?




  1. Maybe if you have dealt with something like this you would know. It is a very hard and upsetting thing to go through when someone you are close too choose's to end there life.

  2. yes they do, and most importantly, they deserve empathy. no one really knows what happened no matter how much they think they know. i think that many people pass judgment without being in any position to do so.

  3. Perhaps no one deserves respect, but that does not matter.  In a decent society we all must show respect for one another.   As for the dead, respecting the dead with rememberence, and to lend support to the survivors is never incorrect.   Again, it has nothing to do with what one deserves.  Witholding your respect, or showing overt disrespect tells more about you than the person you are on about.

  4. It's really a personal opinion. suicide is a very complex subject.

  5. well they dont have any respect for themselves but i think peple should respect that they must have had problems and issues and needed someone thier to help them with thier feeling people should respect that.  they shold respect that they are just like everyone else and needed help.

  6. Sure. They obviously had seen very hard times. Who am I to judge their decision? Maybe I would have done the same thing.

  7. Suicide is so complicated. Sometimes, it is an accident, as well. How do we know that the person did not beg to be forgiven with his/her last breath? It's so hard on those left behind.

  8. I think the question is did they get respect while they were alive or what drove them to that end?

  9. Comming from a line of folks who have done this thing, I will not sat "respect" rather relief in 1 case, and pitty in another. I am shocked when I hear questions like this. You must be blessed that this is not your family tendency. I can only say that there is most def a link in genes or some brain defect that allows my peoples to commit the act. There are so many. 2 of those were close to me, the others were older than I, and I only knew them as Christmas family. No, No one was "proud" of this, we had pitty for the children of my cousin. Widdow went back to Germany where she came from with best friend of decedent. Some understanding of mental illness on your part might help you in your attitude?

  10. Depends on why they did it I guess? I mean every situation is different and besides from being a "moral" wrong doing if you are Christian, there are circumstances where it should be forgivable. I.E. you going down on a sinking ship and there are no more boats, your going down on a plane, your trapped in a burning shouldn't disrespect or hate someone if you aren't in there should be sad for them!

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