
Do people who drive gas gusslers care about global warming?.?

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Do people who drive gas gusslers care about global warming?.?




  1. I think those who go around to pick their kids up from school are, but those who transport an animal occasionally (farmers, small holders etc) may only be able to afford one car that has to double as an animal transporter (just attatch a trailer).  It's all about balance.  Other wise it's a witch hunt.

  2. no   they just like burning our world

  3. obviously not

  4. Yes, currently 71% of all people care, no matter what they drive.  

    What they drive reflects what they needed for a vehicle years ago when they bought it: family size, weather and road conditions, work use, etc.  Now that global warming is better understood, people may gradually accept a little inconvenience and make smaller cars work for them, or buy hybrids to maximize their gas mileage and minimize emissions.  

    Unfortunately some self-righteous people would rather judge others and look for scapegoats to blame rather than focus on themselves and what they can do.  Not everyone can afford hybrids (or to replace their current vehicle at all), so it's rather simplistic and elitist to assume that any one solution such as that could or should apply to everyone instantly

    Fortunately any person can determine their annual vehicle CO2 emissions from a site such as this and buy carbon offsets to minimize their impact:*g/bymodel/2...

  5. When i,m taking the kids to school in the Humvee, I often think about those sad people that still use the old fashioned light bulbs.  They are sick and have no conscience.

  6. I don't believe fossil fuels contribute much to global warming.


    Sorry to hear that you are stuck working with a bunch of AGW believers.  

    It's funny watching the BBC with all these people rugged up in their winter coats standing outside in the freezing cold shivering and getting all angry about how people arn't talking climate change seriously enough.  People who live in hot climates just don't seem to be interested.

    Maybe the UK should stop cut their energy usage.  Either that or build some more power stations.  The UK must be the only developed country in the world without the capacity to generate half their electricity needs.

  7. Some do, some don't.

    I drive a 4x4 vehicle, although not every day. I pay a lot more road tax than almost any other private vehicle on British roads today. I also pay a lot more tax per mile than a lot of other vehicles. All this money goes to the British government.

    My own question, in response to yours, is "How much of my tax is spent by this government on the prevention of global warming?".

    I might add that my 4x4 is a diesel, which puts out a lot less pollution than all these petrol-driven cars. Why is the British government not increasing the duty on petrol, rather than on diesel ?

  8. same old question surely it depends on so many things i drove a rangerover 3.5 and had so many people try to hammer me for it then jet of to spain or live in a 5 bedroom house by themselfs i needed the power to pull my caravan my home i believe it really depends on how we live our lives as a whole

  9. Its amusing how people in the UK think "Oh I wouldn't mind a bit of warming, it'll save energy bills".

    There's well-supported evidence that global warming will actually cause a COOLING in the UK. The increase in fresh water will disrupt the ocean cycles, and so stop bringing nice warm water from the south atlantic into England. There's even possibility it'll bring about a swifter ice age. Then I guarantee you'll be paying a LOT more for your energy bills.

    The people who decide to drive 4x4's should pay the extra cash without complaining; its their choice. Only exception is those who actually need 4x4's, such as farmers who don't live in the centre of London.

  10. Why should they?

    The true science disproves that CO2 is a variable in causing your so called 'Global Warming'.

    There is no reason to implicate mankind's use of fossil fuels on our current period of 'Global Climatic Warming' which began about 15,000 years ago!

    Science is where the answer  is, not with politicians, political groups, or people who have their own devious or misguided agendas.

    Enjoy the fact that we are currently in a period of 'Global Warming' With the cost of fuel prices today, you certainly won't appreciate the alternative!

    I don't drive an 'SUV' because I can't afford one, nor does it fit my requirements. If I needed one, then I would have no problem with it's use!

    There is far too much waste that man produces that really 'pi***s me off. But this is little to do with your question.

  11. You mean people's views on Climate change when they change vehicles?  I did not know that!

  12. I am not sure.  We should all just ride a bike to work/everywhere.

  13. I was wondering the too, just yesterday, as I was driving down the road in my 1993 Buick Roadmaster Estate Wagon. Let me tell you about this car, It's a monster, we call it The Whale because it is so enormous. I mean this beast weighs 2 tons and accelerates like a bat out of h**l...oh so where was I. Yes...I wondering why people buy into the Hollywood version shown on the discovery channel of the effect of CO2 emissions. I mean people really are very gullible. Now gas prices, that is something I believe in and I may have to convert the wale to solar electric with a really big electric motor to keep driving by those hippies in their Priuses and scaring the heck out of them.

  14. Depends on the individual. I mean think about it. I sometimes ask myself what is the point of me making a sacrifice when nobody around cares. One person's effort DOES NOT make a big difference

  15. If they drive it for personal use, I would say they could care less (with few exceptions like handicaps). That's part of the problem. The more a commodity is used against it's finite supply, the more expensive it gets. These gas-guzzlers are helping to price other people out of the commodity. Especially in the U.S., where every other vehicle is a 6000 pound behemoth with one person occupying it. So, they don't care about global warming OR other people. Remember that when you see them speed past you to a stoplight or on the highway.

    Considering their behavior on the road, it's not beyond belief that they waste energy at home as well. Still, they don't care, because it's inconvenient to.

  16. i just finished having this argument at work.i think its a load of rubbish. ok if we all drove a land rover 2.0 and caned it around town and revved the nuts off of it england would be like jamaica.lovely and hot. the retaliation i got was well what about countries like africa?? well seeing as it is soo dam easy to get into this country they will all end up coming here and taking all our jobs.but at least i wont need the heating on at night.

    also gas guzzlers?? bet you get on a bus which kicks out more pollution in a mile than a bugatti veyron.

  17. Ask Algore's private jet pilot.......

    Or maybe his limo driver.

  18. Maybe not, but it isn't just 4x4 drivers that are to blame there are other cars just as bad.

    I think global warming has to do the the damage to the ozone layer, aerosols where blamed at first but that was a smoke screen put around be NASA, I wonder why? lol.

    Thumbs down? some people just don't like the truth lol.

  19. Of course they care. This global warming stuff is hiking up their taxes, therefore they want to blame it on someone else so that they can drive more cheaply.

  20. Considering GW caused by humans is a load of bannanas, no, I don't care.  But my 4x4 gets 30 m/gal.  And I still have to pay extra road tax.

  21. They can care about adapting to natural climate cycles (global warming/cooling) without having to buy the fabricated guilt associated with it (man-made global warming).

  22. What has driving a "gas gussler" got to do with global warming. The two are not related. Vehicles come very low when it comes to the generating of CO2, which, bye the way, increases about 500 years AFTER the temperature increases.

  23. The obvious answer would be no.  If they did care they wouldn't be driving gas guzzlers.  If they do they are hypocrites.

  24. They say they do.

    Whether its true or not... I don't know. I don't drive a gas guzzler.


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