
Do people who get less than 20 MPG feel real stupid now?

by  |  earlier

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I see tons of suv's and jeeps for sale...




  1. No, I need a pick-up for the work I do.

    I would feel pretty stupid trying to pull 7,000 lbs. equipment trailer in a Toyota Prius.

  2. No. I just bought a diesel truck that averages a little under 21mpg on the freeway and tows my 33 foot trailer at around 12 -13mpg.  Its a big improvement over my other tow vehicle.  Theres no other way to tow a large 5th wheel trailer.

    I have two other cars, one gets 15mpg and the other gets 4mpg..... I can afford the gas and drive exactly what I want too.  I've seen freeway accidents involving a "high mileage" cars, I'll take safety over high mileage every time.  

    I recently saw an accident between a high mileage car and a full size Ford, the Ford didn't look like it needed any repair and the fireman were using the jaws of life to extract two bodies from the other car.  I was involve in an accident where some lady on drugs rearend the small mini truck behind me, it was about 4 1/2 feet long (sandwiched between my vehicle and hers) the front that hit me was crushed all the way to the windshield and the back was crushed all the way to the back window.  I only had to have the rear bumper rechromed.  Good mileage or life, you choose!

  3. 4 bucks a gal convinced a portion of people how stupid it is to go places while making the arabs more richer than they need to be.

    large gas guzzlers and their owners are going to be laughed at in 10 years, even though, as you see here, some will STILL try and defend the indefensible. "good milage or life" indeed.

  4. no they just cant afford it, some ppl need the 4wd tho

  5. Will the people who went "green" crazy and ran out to by hybrids feel pretty stupid when they get stuck in 3" of snow? Or they sail like a hockey puck on the ice?  My 87 Bronco may only get 10mpg on a good day, but when winter hits it will still be cheaper to drive than my neighbors Geo Metro when he calls a wrecker to pull his psuedo go-cart from a small drift.  Hybrids are relatively new and as yet are untested in the real world. My car has been around since the Reagan era. I know it has been tested and found worthy.

  6. Not everyone. My fiance needs a truck for work, so no matter how much gas is, he has to keep driving it. A lot of people need big trucks for their line of work.

  7. Depends.  I just bought a used '03 F350 diesel truck to pull my horse trailer.  When towing it gets about 10 -12 mpg.

    But the old truck, a '91 F350 gave me about 8 mpg.  So I get a 25% or better improvement.

    There are no options to pull the trailer and get 20 mpg.

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