
Do people who gloat about alcohol and holidays irk you?

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Do people who gloat about alcohol and holidays irk you?




  1. it gets on my nerves so bad---- "yeah we got so wasted last night"---if i hear somebody say that one more time...

  2. nobody says irk, what did u get that from nickalodeon

  3. Yes, all the time

  4. IRK??????? wtf does that mean..c'mon speak English woman!

  5. Sorry. It's my birthday too (on thursday) Did I mention that? LOL

    To be fair I haven't had a proper holiday since.... OMG ..... since YOU were 3!!!

  6. I don't ***``ociate with "those" ppl~~Who are they?Because "my" ppl don't do that~~Sure,we might reminisce about a past Holiday~~but,"gloat" we're not big drinkers either~~unless it's Rockstar,Redbull,or Vitamin water!XP!!

  7. yes the drinking part is boring and the holiday part makes me jealous xxxx

  8. kinda

    talking all about their drinking experience (unless they're explaining how stupid they were for doing it) makes them sound bad. I mean sure, we all let go and drink, but no one cares about  how plastered they were and how funny it was to THEM. As for holidays, it makes me jealous. Especially when they're going on a nice cruise for Xmas or something and I'm stuck at home in the valley.

  9. No. why would they? I can do alcohol and holidays so much better than them

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