
Do people who have anorexia get hungry?

by  |  earlier

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Or do they not feel hungry and therefore don't eat? Or do they feel hungry and just think force themselves not to eat because of how they feel about themselves? This is a genuine question and I really want to know. Thank you! :)




  1. of course they get hungry ya doshbag gosh come on common sense llogical thinking!!!! na um they do get hungry at first but they get used to it and there stomoch gets smaller and smaller to the point were there not hungry.
    plus its a good sign for them too and they can just drink water and gewing gum and the gum breakes down all the food. believe me ive had anorexia for 3 years and wasent a very good time especially when im dancing it makes you weak, grumpy and have mood swings and headaches and not enough energy to even walk outside of the house.

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