
Do people who have been adopted (and were just "dropped off") have there original certificate?

by Guest34249  |  earlier

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I know my boyfriend was just pretty much dropped off at an adoption acgency in the country that he was from because his mom and grandmother couldn't take care of him. He never really knew anyone but my question is..Do you think he has his birthcirtificate stuff or if they didn't have it is there a way for the adoption place to figure all that out?

I would ask him but he doesn't really like talking about that stuff.




  1. Sometimes in international adoption there is no birth certificate, sometimes there is.  Some children who are abandoned don't even know their exact birthdate.  Their birth date is estimated when they are found and then they are given that date as their birthdate.  My daughter was born in Taiwan, where a lot of information is available.  We have her original birth certificate.  It has her birthdate, time, hospital, and name of her birth mother.

    Can I ask why you want to know?  I would let your boyfriend decide what information he wants to seek.  If you simply are curious because you love him and want to know about him, don't push, but just ask an occasional casual question to let him know you are interested.  He will share what he is ready to.

  2. I am betting that the adoption agency probably had to have one created for him if there wasn't already one.  Contact the agency & see if they can find it or point you in the right direction.

  3. Well, if you are just looking for a birth certificate, and I don't know where you are loacated, but here in Ontario, Canada, there was a law passed a couple of years ago where the records that have been sealed, will now be open for the public to have access too.  This includes birth certificate, adoption certificate, and the name of where the adoption took place.  

    You will have to contact the agency that he was adopted from.  Ask them if the records are sealed and if so, he can claim his non-identifying information.  This information, doesn't have names, but it is somewhat detailed as it can be without giving the names away.  For instance, my information that I was given was how many siblings my birth mother had, information on her parents (my biological grandparents), very little information about my father, information on my birth and then her struggle with putting me up for adoption.  Not to get side tracked here, but I have located my biological mother, and I am nothing like her, thank gawd.  She is a mean person.  

    If you can get your hands on that information, then locating his family will be easier as they provide clues as to where or who they were.  I found my family by going in to the obits. from 1971 on microfiche, and found them.  Also, it helped that when I was younger I came across my adoption order, asked my mother about it, and she was never going to tell me.  

    But if this information is to just help settle your curiousity, you have to tell your boyfriend what you would like to do.  Some people don't even care finding there family (my biological mother) and it could cause more trouble than it is worth between you and him, and his adoptive family.

  4. If he was adopted then his birth certificate will have his adoptive parents on it. Unless the agency where he was drop off knows what hospital or area he came from or the birth mother or grandmother left it, it is doubtful they will have the one with his birth parents names on it. If he knows who his birth mother is and where she lives, he could ask at the court house or the local hospital

  5. i was adopted and didnt have my birthcertificate but if he has I.D he can go and get his birthcertificate easily it will take about 2 to 4 weeks .

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