
Do people who have never heard of 'God' go to h**l?

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Let's say a few hundred years ago there's a tribe in the Amazon who never heard of our 'God' and so didn't believe in him. Did they go to h**l or did God let them off? I don't believe in God by the way - just wondering what the answers would be.




  1. h**l is designated for those that know the truth and refuse to follow it and believe in it. So, I would say No..

  2. Interesting question. If "h**l" is a Christian concept then it makes sense that only Christians that have disobeyed the particular tenets of their particular sect can go there, otherwise non Christians that had led an exemplary life would automatically go to heaven. I as an eclectic get to choose my afterlife and am torn between re incarnation (which by the way at one time was acceptable in Christian doctrine) or Valhalla where i can party,get drunk,chat up various large ladies in tin bra s and join the final punch up against the "bad" guys at Ragnarok

  3. I can for many reasons say ,no

  4. Yup. That is why the godless heathen had to be saved from his idolatrous ways. However, now in the age of teleevangelism there is so such excuse for the unbelievers to hide behind, and they shall all be faced with the full might of the Lord's righteous judgment.  

  5. Yes. There was the doctrine of limbo, which was invented to get around the blatant unfairness of people going to h**l just because they have never heard 'the word' (Think of children who die in infancy as well, or the unbaptised who die at birth), but a couple of years ago the catholic church scrapped the idea, so it's burn baby burn, I'm afraid!

  6. yes they will because jesus said no one goes to heaven without me or through me. see how pathetic that is.  

  7. h**l=Grave

  8. the Apostle Paul said that those who had never been given the chance to accept Jesus as savior would in fact be judged by their actions, good actions being accounted as righteousness.

  9. Those who die and have never heard of Christ go to the grave (body & soul). Later they will be resurrected to be judged at the "Great White Throne". This judgment will be based on their works or the life they have led with the final decision of heaven or h**l being made by God. Yet, in reality they made the choice themselves by their lifestyle. Remember this applies ONLY to non Christians.  

  10. God is fair.  But God is also holy.  God has written the Law on their hearts (it's called the "conscience"), and if we have violated God's Law KNOWINGLY, or we have criticized others who have done the same things WE have done (excusing ourselves while accusing others), such as saying "Hey, it's wrong to lie (or steal, or cheat, etc), but you have done the same thing, thus demonstrating that you KNOW what is right and wrong, then you become guilty.

    Now then, I see a genuine concern for the lost "tribes" in the Amazon, so I need to ask you what YOU are doing about it?

    Are you part of the solution (that is to say, have you repented of YOUR sins, and are serving God, and trying to reach out to the lost who have never heard)?  Or are you still part of the problem (that is to say, you're still living for yourself, a self-centered life, you have NOT turned your back on yours sins, and allowed Jesus to be the Lord (boss) of your life, so you have no "good news" message to share with the lost)?

    You see, if you're still part of the problem, you really can't complain!  That's rather hypocritical on your part!  

    So, in order to quit being a hypocrite, you need to turn to Jesus in true faith and repentance, and become a missionary to the lost tribes in the Amazon.  (It's either that, or carry the label "Hypocrite" the rest of your life!)

  11. No lol  

  12. According to the rule book, heaven is a closed shop. You have to be signed up or you don't get in. That knocks out godless savages and, also, stillborn babies.  

  13.   There are no free tickets to Heaven-None.Those that have never heard of God or Christ,the aborted and the young that never had a chance to hear,and the mentally challenged will all get a chance to make their choice during the Lords day,then satan will be released to see who he can decieve.We all will have heard of God before He judges us.He is a Just God!

  14. probably will. everyone seems to be going to h**l....

  15. No.

    You can only go to h**l if you know it exists. So, to be safe, whenever you are addressed by a theist be sure to put your fingers in your ears and shout "No! No! No!" so they can't tell you all about it.

  16. Those who have not heard do not get judged.  They get a free pass to Heaven.

    On the flip side, those who have heard and rejected the word, will be judged and most likely condemner.

  17. No, judgment is based on righteousness.

  18. NONDESCRIPT - that was a really good answer!

  19. There is no god, so there is no heaven or h**l.  

  20. i spose nt, u cnt really send ppl to h**l for havin nt herd of god, that wud b slytly cruel. i believe in god but i dnt choose to follow any of the commandments or anything stated in the bible, i know il probly b goin to hel bt it doesnt bother me, lol. if u dnt believe in God how do u believe in h**l or do u nt believe in that either?


  21. No

    They return to where they came from.

  22. I do not see God as the hateful little boy standing over the earth with a magnifying glass frying every person he doesn’t like. God is a loving father who excepts his children with all of their flaws. After all, we are created from him and therefore are a living piece off him. How could he condemn a piece of himself? He can not. God knows you inside and out. He knows what is truly in your heart. It is religion that has ruined the name of God by creating a set rules and judgments. It's is called Elitism and it is their way of feeling superior to others. Unfortunately, it is God who pays for their egos. (ego= Edging God Out). Follow God by following your heart. Watch for his signs and he will lead you down your chosen path. Feel his undying love for us and not this hate that religion has created.  

  23. Well for starters the word for h**l (hades) actually means the common grave of mankind. whether that be 6' under or if they have been cremated, drownd at means they are in a total state of unconcienceness. nobody who dies will be tormented forever in a fiery h**l.

    what happens is at armagedon, Jehovah will destroy the wicked that are alive on earth. he will resurect the dead afterward that have died in the past...this will be back to earth...not heaven (apart from if they are part of his 144,00 annointed ones). if people have never heard of God and have not been given the choice to worship him, they will be given a chance to live forever if they come to a complete knowledge of the true God and become one of his people. God will only destroy the people who have knowingly and willingly turned away from him.

  24. No, God is too just for that. They will be tested in the hereafter. God will show them h**l, then order them to jump in. If they do jump in, they pass the test and the h**l becomes heaven before their very eyes. If they don't then h**l is their destiny. They will  be tested just like we are being tested now.

    Oh and btw, I am not a Christian but a Muslim. Christianity is the changed Islam, worship of Jesus was invented at the council of Nicea hundreds of years after the death of Jesus (just google "councile of nicea"). Jesus preached Islam (submission to God) and not Christianity. Muhammad was not the inventor of Islam, Islam has always existed, Muhammad just continued the chain of prophethood, the only reason Muhammad was sent is because God's religion (Islam) had been changed, otherwise he wouldnt have been sent. Abraham was a Muslim  (submitter to God), so were Jesus and Moses. Peace be upon them all.

    Has anybody ever heard of Abraham worshipping Jesus? Nope, he worshipped God and submitted himself to God fully. Jesus was just a man who was born out of a woman. He was a prophet of God sure, but still a man and not God's son.

  25. A missionary goes up north to an Eskimo tribe.  He speaks with their leader and explains Christianity and Jesus and how God sent Jesus to save them so they can go to Heaven.

    The leader thinks about this for a while, then asks the missionary a question, "What about those who have never heard of 'God'?  Do they go to Heaven or h**l?"

    The missionary says, "Well, if they've never heard the Good News, then they go to Heaven.  God wouldn't punish someone for just not knowing."

    The leader then asks him, "Then what was your purpose in telling me all of this, if I was already going to Heaven?"

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