
Do people who note more rapid climate changes over the last 20,000 years think Earth is 6,000 years old?

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  1. What climate scientist has said that the current climate change rate is more rapid than any over the last 20,000 years?  Are you confusing atmospheric CO2 rate increases with temperature rate increases? Because I regularly read the literature and the current temperature rate of change is generally only compared to the last 1000 +/- 500 years in temperature reconstructions.

    What is extremely worrisome about this type of historic event is that it shows how a little forcing (natural or anthropogenic) can cause a huge and rapid shift in climate.  It's those types of potential feedback mechanisms that are potentially far more devastating than any warming our CO2 emissions alone might cause. A simple 1 - 2 C warming over the next century might cause some challenging mitigation, but if a rapid feedback mechanism (like the one mentioned in your link) kicks in we could see worst-case scenarios approaching what the most extreme alarmists are discussing.

  2. Your completly right!

    --------------------->>>>>>The Real Cause of Global Warming

    Okay.... the answer is Sun Radiation. Now we know that you can look at past temperatures by taking ice cores and analyzing them, and if you look at the past temps since 450,000 years there is a pattern. Its hard to describe it I cant find the right graph.There is a pattern do there have been 5 Huge "spikes" since 450,000 years then a sudden drop and then a slow decrease. And when I mean "spikes" I mean big and sudden temperature increases(I mean sudden by 5,000 year period). since human's have emerged there have been 2 "spikes". But since civilization (that's about 4,000 years ago) we were in the middle of the 2nd spike that was climbing up. But were are we now? were on the peak of the 2nd "spike"and when we are on the peak we will drop for the next 6,000 years or so according to the graph I have.

    But how or why are there big "spikes"? Well The sun is an atomic bomb and it explodes. So when it explodes it burns intensely for 5,000 years or so that's why there are sudden increase.

    To find out more info buy a book called Why Geography Matters by Harm de Blij. Its complicated to describe the cause.

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