
Do people who "like" soccer actually like it, or are they just pretending because they are jealous of those...

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...who are fans of real sports like hockey and football?

I feel bad for the soccer "fans"; they are having to stay awake, pretending that a boring "sport" like soccer is something exciting. No wonder they keep getting into riots... They need something to do...




  1. Why do you even bother? You really do give North Americans a bad name.

    Just stick to your ice hockey and gridiron and let the world enjoy the world sport. By the way, the correct name of the sport is ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL not soccer. When you grow up you will learn this.

  2. Hockey, A load of fat overweight guys flying about on ice skates and covered in pads sounds like some g*y bizarre ballerina way of trying to appear tough.

    And American football is the same, bunch of ******* i would like to see a american football team in against a rugby team.

    They would make them cry.

    Football is the biggest sport and is played in every country in the world and adored the world over, Dont be jealous because a country that is about 80s time the size of britain cannot play a skilled game because they are useless and are safer honing their skills shooting their pissant 9mm on a shooting range or paying overgrown black men to swing about bouncing a ball at a hoop like tarzan on cocaine.

  3. just because you choose not to like a particular sport is no reason to kill people for liking it.  You are narrowminded since soccer is the most popular sport in the world.  There is life outside of the USA..../

  4. You mean the 'real' sport called hockey which is played by girls.

    I don't know any man who plays hockey and at my school they only teach it to girls.

    Also ai fought football is soccer to you yanks so i you are just condradicting yourself; unless you are talking about that wimpy sport which is esseintially rugby with pads.

  5. no they only feel sorry for ignorant factory workers like yourself who enjoy watching fat black guys in tights bend over.

  6. Soccer is a religion in Europe & Central/South America.  Just wearing the wrong color jersey on the street in some places can get you stomped.

    Some would say American Football is sporadic action between snoozes and that the final 3 minutes of the game feel like purgatory with all the timeouts.

    As for hockey, until they tweeked the rules to avoid the trap, it was snoozeville.

    FIFA will not tweek the rules to make soccer a more exciting game (and it can be an exciting game if they would make a few adjustments like the NHL did).  For example:

    -take a few pounds of pressure out of the soccer ball and scuff it up a bit.  That will result in better setups, more accurate shots and more goals.

    -eliminate the offside rule; it kills a lot of breakaways

    -shrink the field a bit and allow for unlimited 2-way substitutions.

    Those changes would result in games with good glow and a lot more goals.  Maybe they'll do something like that in N. America.

    As for the general entertainment value of soccer, it helps if you've played the game yourself.  As a player, you appreciate the skill level of the players more than a casual observer.  Soccer is an easy game to learn but takes years of practice to master.

    Consider golf.  People totally get into that and actually go to events and watch it.  To me, it looks as exciting as watching paint dry.

  7. soccer is a sport and it's the biggest sport in the world unlike hockey besides soccer takes much more work and fitness than hockey notin against hockey its a tough sport

  8. we like it because it is the best sport in the world, go ask this question in almost anywhere but the U.S., soccer is the most popular sport in the world. And its not boring cuz you seriously dont know anything about it.

  9. i finally agree with  dynamo187

    soccer is the best sport in the world not football or should I say handball

  10. They actually like it.

  11. Lots of people must like 'soccer' or football as i call it because you use your feet...

    How can you think soccer is not a sport at least you use your body unlike hockey where angry canadians attack each other with sticks...

    Football as you call it or as nearly every one else in the world call it american football is just a bunch of huge black men rubbing up against each other...  

    Soccer is the biggest sport in the world unlike American football where only 1 country plays it in the world... If you like sports where you tackle each other try rugby at least it doesn't stop every 20 seconds and lots of countrys from differnt contients like it.

    Soccer is exiting maybe you should watch something other than about 5 minutes of the MLS that you have probably watched... try watching brazil or arsenal it's much better than your so called 'football' that stops every 20 seconds, i really don't see the fun in it.

  12. yeah b/c we all know hockey is a real sport! lol!!! yeah, they sub like every 4 seconds and play with helments and masks. soccer is the international sport, watched by royalty and prime ministers like the EU cup final. I didnt even now that hockey still existed. people go to hockey games to watch a potential fight. half of the rules were stolen from soccer

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