
Do people who say "keep your hands of my uturus/ovaries" when sloganing against prolife people realize the

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irony of the fact that Giving abortions involves putting hands/tool on/in a woman's reproductive system where not allowing abortions prevents people from putting thier hands on your reproductive system?




  1. They didn't say "Keep the doctor that is going to perform the procedure's hands off of me..." they said "Keep YOUR hands off of me..."

  2. "... without my consent."

    Feel better now?


  3. Women want the right to make a PRIVATE decision about her body and medical condition with her physician, without the interference of the government.

    THAT'S what that phrase means. It's not literal, and there's no real irony at all.

  4. If we're being totally literal... which is always fun... then actually there will be no skin-to-skin (or uterus) contact as they must wear gloves in surgery and more likely just use surgical implements, so the hands wont touch anything.

    "Look, no hands!" : )

  5. The sentiment is for unwanted 'hands' not to be there.

  6. Do you realise how stupid it makes you sound that you don't understand a simple metaphor?

  7. There is no irony. It's a metaphor telling the government to mind their own business. It's saying, "don't have a hand in my decision making process about MY body"'s not ironic, and yes you must have been awfully bored to think of it this way.

  8. What if the fetus is saying keep your hands of me period?

  9. No, it doesn't.  I seem to remember when giving birth (4x's)  lots of hands on my reproductive parts.

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