
Do people who use big words in their answers scare you?

by  |  earlier

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Someone answered my question using the words 'semblance', 'inane', 'grasp', 'chinese', and 'real'. It made me feel really nervous, like he understands things that I never will. Like, about motorcycle wheelies and airbrush guns.

Second question: Is there really a difference between "your" and "you're" when trying to be a pretentious b*****d? Because he didn't seem to think there was.




  1. lol, it's funny how the word 'chinese' scared you.  

  2. the problem is that you are a foreigner and a giant poopiehead

  3. No should they,look at it as a learning experience.

  4. haha. not really "scare" me but it makes me feel that they took my question waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too seriously. but anyway, that's fine. at least they took time to really answer the question. :D

  5. Nope.

    But then I do get a chuckle when some wit takes the time to call me a "looser".

  6. i've been known to kick around a few ten dollar words...doesn't mean i've said anything though.  

  7. No it does not scare me. I don't feel stupid either, if I have to look a word up if I don't know it. I just figure it is something new I have learned today. There will always be something new to learn, don't you agree? I mean, not everyone knows everything, now do they?

    Second question----

    The difference between "your" and "you're" is:

    "your" is something that belongs to you, for instance;

    Your question is probably something many people have wondered about.

    "you're" is something that you are/ a contraction for you are, for instance;

    You're asking a great question, many people might be afraid to ask this.

    I hope that this has helped you. And remember, learning is an everyday thing, enjoy it and embrace it. You are not stupid for not knowing , only for not wanting to know.


  8. What seems to be the discrepancy with using a profound vocabulary?

  9. I choose my words cromulently.

  10. What does pretentious mean?

  11. Oh if he doesn't know the difference between your and you're, ignore all previous rantings from him, he's an idiot.

  12. Feel free to vent anytime.  As a crossword puzzle aficionado, I love big words.  Do not be afraid.

  13. Scared?  Not at all.  After reading some of the answers I've seen on this site, encountering someone with a decent vocabulary would be refreshing.  Of course, the person shouldn't use fancy words to try to intimidate you.  

    As for whether there's a difference between "your" and "you're," there most certainly is a difference.  "Your" is possessive, as in your car, your grades, your new haircut.  "You're" is a contraction for "you are," as in "you're a good friend" or "you're getting a raise."  Using good grammar doesn't make a person pretentious, but using poor grammar indicates either a lack of education or an "I don't care" attitude.  At least, that's what it means to me, but I admit I may be overly sensitive to things like that.  

    Finally, don't be afraid of someone who understands things like motorcycle wheelies.  Just the other day, I saw someone doing one on an interstate highway, with most traffic moving about 70 mph., and the driver didn't even have a helmet on.  It was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen.  Be glad you don't have any first-hand knowledge of that!

  14. I wouldn't mess with him, he's a "physical phenomenon."

  15. He sounds like one of those sophisticated, foreign b******s. They have diplomatic immunity, you know, and that's why they're jerks.  

  16. Everything scares me. I'm Canadian. You big, bad Americans, with your wild, partying ways and your wanton women scare me. I'm shivering as we speak. I know you want us Canadians. You want us to be a part of your crazy, health-less society, full of drugs and booze and crazy Television and the lack of God in your lives. Accept the grace of the Lord and you shall be saved. For you...It may already be too late. You wanton wench. God still has a place for you perhaps. But I don't.

  17. Onomatopoeia

    Pow! Wham! Vroom..

  18. antidisestablishmentarianism!!!!!!!!!

    lol, just kidding.  Big words don't bother me at all.  Yes there is a difference between your and you're. Your is possessive, you're means you are.

  19. Those answers don't frighten me nearly as much as when people answer their questions with ghetto speak:

    That = dat

    This = dis

    WTF = WDF

    Whatever = whateva

    flavour = flava

    and so on....

  20. Don't let'm get under "your"skin..use the BLOCK  USER,worries over m8

  21. Nope.. I have a word pro dictionary software here loaded and ready to serve

  22. OK, I just went and read that tool's answer to your question.  

    Now correct me if I am wrong, but isn't it hard to make yourself look smarty pants-ish when the pompous answer that you're (and yes it DOES make a difference between your and you're) giving doesn't even make any ******* sense in relation to the question??!

    I think the name "ompelle" freaked him out.  He's got issues.

  23. This question scares me.....♥

  24. Grand Canyon...


    I said it!

    (That's a big word, right?)

    "What?!?"'re right...that's "two" words...nevermind...I'm leaving now..."

  25. You', no no wait, uhhhm  yeah YOU'RE my hero!

    Ompelle you have always been one of my faves.  You just made my day, thanks!


  26. Organically speaking, it is far less mundane to utilize fragmented and intricate language skills in a peripheral way, as to lessen the strain the reader is feeling.  But to get a stronger grasp on what I am trying to convey to you, the Chinese should have gotten real and allowed that freaking "less pretty" little girl freaking sing at the opening ceremony.  On that unpretentious note, I highly suggest you purchase a thesaurus and use it as a giant coaster for your Cosmopolitans, whilst your child gets a semblance of how inane it is to remove all of your cat's fur, simply to make herself a miniature fur coat.


    *faints from freaking exhaustion*

  27. There is always a difference between "your" and "you're", no matter how pompous someone tries to be.

    Do they scare me? No. They annoy me, though.

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