
Do people who vote Democrat support the war?

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I guess they probably do. I do not think there is a party that does not support the war. So, if you don't like the war, there isn't much you can do about it.




  1. People who vote Democrat don't understand their candidate's position.  Sure, they'll withdraw some troops, but leave 40,000 in there for "counter-terrorism operations" and protecting the embassy, but counter-terrorism was the supposed reason we went into Iraq in the first place.  

    Plus they're voting to fund the war.  They'll spin it and tell you they're voting to "fund the troops".  We all support the troops, but bringing them home would show more support than leaving them there for the next fifteen years and risk getting them killed.

  2. I'd say most Democrats  would say that they are against the war.  Whether their viewpoint is based on a reasoned understanding of the situation AS IT STANDS in Iraq is another story.

    Hillary now says she would like to retract her vote supporting the war.  Sounds nice, but it can't be done.  Nor can the troops be withdrawn without the greatest risk both to them, to the security of the entire Middle East and our interests there (particularly in the Saudi Arabian peninsula which is the real reason we went into Iraq in the first place).

    Does anyone still believe that Hussein had anything to do with 9/11 or WMD's?  Did the administration?  Who knows, but it's hard to believe that the eggheads in Langley and Washington could be that dumb or misled, or both.  But with the Saudis negligently or even somehow actively responsible for 9/11 -- we had to bring a significant military force into that theater, and Iraq was the only place that could be done. To do nothing was to risk a repeat.  The Saudis had to be waked up, and shown our our commitment, whatever the cost short  of actual invasion of their territory.  Iraq and its universally hated regime provided that opportunity.

    Now, even in terms of military logistics, when and if a Democrat President takes office after the next election, he will find that (more than Vietnam where there were far fewer sides involved in the conflict) -- Iraq is a Tar-Baby and getting extricated from it will be something very difficult to do.

    It feels nice to say "Change!" and "Get Out!", but the implementation of these things requires real and reasonable plans -- which for the most part the Democrats have not yet shown they have concerning Iraq.

  3. I'm pretty sure everyone (Republican/Democrat/Independent) support the troops, however, speaking as a Democrat, I do not support this illegal war.

  4. both hillary clinton and barack obama OPPOSE the war.

    democrats feel that the war was a mistake, and we should withdraw troops.

  5. Dems support the troops, as other have noted.  Of the two candidates, one voted for the war, and one opposed it.

  6. I don't support the war. I don't think there is many people who do. They have had this feud since the beginning of time, us coming in and helping one side or another is just going to bring us down.

    But that's just my opinion.

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