
Do people who were only young in the 80`s realise that if the USA start war with Russia we ALL die?

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Perhaps since the end of the cold war, young people don`t realise the distruction a Nuclear War would cause.. basically the end of life on earth.




  1. No.

    Don't think so.

    Decode this lyrics "YMCA"

    Were busy " All night long"

    With "Celebration"

    On "Star of 45"

    In putting on their "Boogie shoes"

    With "Grease"

    Having "Flash dance"

    In "Funky Town"

    With D-I-S-C-O.

    Every satruday.

    Having  "Saturday night fever"

    Gone were the good old days.

    Luke 9.25,55-56,60

    What do you think?

  2. Thank you I'm glad I'm not the only one who realizes this and I'm only 19.

    My father will say things like, "we need to handle china before they are a problem later" and I'm we'll all die. And he'll say the U.S. is stronger than the Chinese...and I'm still like yeah okay fine but we'll still all die.

  3. Yeah, and the Russians realize that too.  Neither side will escalate it to that point.  Simply making Georgia a NATO member will stop all Russian Aggression against them because if they do invade a NATO ally all bets are off and the nukes fly.

  4. No one wants a NW war no doubt, I seriously doubt it will ever escalate to that even if there is a direct conflict between US and Russia. It is not Russia but US that is provoking frictions.

    So what Bush thinks Russia was going to tolerate any US influence. US is trying to put a shield in Poland and Czech republic. Which Russia has already threatened against and also gave an ultimatum that it will renew relations with Cuba. So will US tolerate Russian influence in its backyard.

    There seems to be a misconception that US and Europe have a similar stance against Russia. When

    Bush called for Georgian membership of NATO, ten countries immediately refused, including France, Germany and Italy. Privately a lot of European head of states are blaming Georgia for provocation.

    Then there is another misconception that US and Bush have any influence over Russia or Europe. Bush literally has no influence in Europe. They are working within a completely different frame work in dealing with Russia, as to what Bush wants.

    So what US wants is to increase its influence, encircle Russia to corner it and expect Russia to take it lying down. Georgia never would've dared to provoke Russia without the backing of US. Russia in turn has made it clear that it will protect its interests any means necessary. Russia has warned NATO against encircling Russia, US on defense shields, then there is conflict over OIL and resources etc. Russia and China has warned US over interfering there interests. You can not expect to go on an imperial run and not provoke a back clash.

    "By declaring the Caucasus, a region that is thousands of miles from the American continent, a sphere of its 'national interest,' the United States made a serious blunder."

    ~ (Mikhail Gorbachev), Washington Post, 12/08/08

  5. There wont be a Nuclear war because, that would be causing "Mutual Destruction".

    When one fires......... so does the other.

    So if you fire..... you also Die.

    No-ones ready to kill their own country !

  6. Generations of people brought up on video games, TV remotes and MTV have a perverted sense of reality. Even Iraq war I and Iraq war II hasn't affected them except for those who served in the military.

  7. George Bush wants to keep his mouth shut, the war monger that he is.... he is just like his Father, and that family never alter. He would be very sorry if he pushed any buttons, to start one and knowing him like his father he has itchy fingers. Americans want him out according to the Long Islanders, and I have spoken to a few of them. My Daughter lives there and Mr Bush is a hated man for his beliefs in war to solve everything.

  8. I've been well aware of this since the 80's as I was in my teens

    I'm 43 now.

    If they want to do it then they will.

    Have you seen the news tonight about the USA using their military including warships to deliver aid to Georgia? The Russians are going mad about it!  

  9. I think everyone realises the implications of a war with Russia (which personally I think America would lose).. They are already overstretched in Iraq and Afghanistan. Russia might be one step too far.

    And also there is alot of Georgian support in the west which is wrong because don't forget it was Georgia who started this when they invaded South Ossetia which wants to be indipendant.

  10. I know.You mean the nuke this,nuke that brigade.If they only knew.(rolls eyes)

  11. They don't care.As long as their mobile phone & ipod work & they have expensive trendy designer clothes they are happy.Materialism rules for the selfish teenager of today & they think the world should do what they want.

  12. MAN !! I hope you are right.This would be a great end to a huge mess. Push all the buttons you rich brats.

  13. I was young in the 80s but I am not stupid enough to believe that nukes won't end life on earth. Of course they bloody well would! There appears to be a trend of idiots dominating the world wide web and beyond who think they are invincible to such things. Nukes would kill everything on this planet and I'm worried about it. I only hope we the people of the earth stand up to idiots in power and tell them enough is enough, we don't want to die!

  14. No, this isn't going to happen. This isn't any different to when Kenneddy warned them off going into Cuba. He really was prepared to follow through and they knew it. They are bullies and will act accordingly. We need NATO to stand up and be counted and make them back off!

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