
Do people with Borderline Peronality Disorder have a habit of cutting themselves?

by  |  earlier

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Thank you for your comments. I ask out of a concern for a relative who appeared to have a healing black eye and who also had BPD. I just am concerned if he may be prone to cutting




  1. I almost cry when I hear this. Any time someone would hurt themselves it is wrong. No one should do this.

    Please call a crisis line or ask for help. It is not your fault that this occures. There is a medical reason for this. You/ they can get help for this. I Hope I helped.

    Best wishes Mark S.

  2. Anybody at all can have the habit of cutting themselves, whether they have a mental disorder or not. Borderline Personality Disorder does not necessarily cause people to cut, but those with it may be more apt to do so due to the added stress and complications that come with the disorder. It can lead to cutting, but it is not directly related to it.  

  3. Self mutilation is very common with many types of mood or mental disorders. seek help from a health profession whether it is a nurse at school or a dr. if you are uncomfortable talking with your parents.

    although many people cut who go undiagnosed..

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