
Do people with higher IQs have greater or lesser impulse control than the average person?

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This came to mind today ( 4th of July, 2008). Actually, twice in the last 24 hrs.---2 different reasons...Maybe they get bored a lot

sooner and have to find things to hold their interest.




  1. Higher impulse control usually comes with a higher IQ.

    Most violent and casual crime is committed by males in the IQ 80 to 90 range.

    It seems a higher IQ individual will think (I'd love to knock out all your teeth...but there are witnesses'. Lower IQ rages don't seem to get past the 'I want to knock out your teeth' stage.

    There's also the factor of introversion to consider though. The higher the IQ the more likely you are to be introverted, and this will make you less likely to get into bar fights too.

    There's a long study here that supports higher IQ giving better impulse control.

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