
Do personal insults and name calling really help leftist liberals get their points across?

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or are they just trying to intimidate their opponents into silence by bullying tactics?




  1. Sorry, but the bullets are flying both ways.  I don't know where you have been.  You have to stop watching Fox news and tune in to real news to understand this.  Plus if you haven't seen all the questions on here regarding the personal insults on Obama, a doctor should declare you officially blind.

  2. No.

    Why do you conservatives mistakenly think that labeling anyone that disagrees with you or questions you needs to be called the name "leftist liberal"?

    Don't you realize that makes you look like an ignorant, uniformed bully?

  3. Jeez dude, are you reading the same site I am?  The roar of personal invective here is produced by and large by those that try to call themselves conservatives.  Sure, some of it is caused by supposed liberals, but the majority just ain't.  I would stop whining and try to ask more relevant questions grounded in reality if I were you.

  4. You don't consider this question a tad bit insulting?

  5. Does labeling (i.e.-like label 'leftist ) help conservatives or whatever their calling themselves these days (since they have proven to be anything but conservative)  help to get their points across?

  6. Conservatives do exactly the same thing... perhaps

    it's human nature, although I think hiding behind a

    keyboard furthur encourages such rudeness.

  7. Oh - too funny. My computer is smoking from all the "namecalling" and "insults" being hurled by the Rightwingnuts who are PANIC-STRICKEN over the Joe Biden choice.

    You're full of it.

  8. When you can't win, call insults.

  9. Do personal insults and name calling really help right wing conservatives get their points across?

    or are they just trying to intimidate their opponents into silence by bullying tactics?

    See how this works?  Stick to the issues.

  10. It depends on what context you're talking about. For example if I called George W Bush a complete and utter cretin, a moron of the lowest order, with the IQ of a boiled potato and the personality magnetism of a used diaper; well you couldn't say I was name calling because it would all be true

  11. Most of the insults and name calling on YA come from the right.  This question is absurd.

  12. I haven't insulted anyone, and I've done no name calling. I simply think Obama is the best choice for president, and I don't care what anyone else thinks about it- I respect any and all opinions and expect others to respect mine.

  13. Wow.  Did I just walk through the looking glass or what?

  14. They're down right comical.

  15. Not all but some of them certainly think so and it doesn't work with me.  If you don't like someone's questions and simply show up to toss out personal insults, why bother and frankly, who ends up looking like the idiot? Hint:   Not the person asking the question.

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