
Do pervs really get beaten up in prison all the time,or are they too well-protected to get beaten up?

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Do pervs really get beaten up in prison all the time,or are they too well-protected to get beaten up?




  1. define perv

    anyone is prison is a pervert of some sort or another - perverted morality, perverted ethics, etc

    Its a bit rich when one piece of phlegm decides that he is better than another piece of phlegm

  2. Their is a hierarchy among the prisoners,  a pecking order.  people who hurt kids are at the bottom.

  3. They get sodomised in their sleep by the prison warden with his 12" truncheon and then spat on.

  4. Ask Jeffrey Dahmer.

  5. They certainly do but most are kept isolated OR,incarcerated with others of their kind.

  6. I hope they get beat up ! ! ! ! !  I would if  i was in there ! ! !

  7. As far as I know the pervs are segregated and kept in their own section of wing of the prison.

    There is now serious discussions going on at level to introduce into parliament a Bill which would make it possible to ask paedophiles to either take s*x control drugs, or else remain banged up for the duration - at HM's pleasure in other words with little or no chance of release.

    It will not be too long before such a Bill is presented to the House of Commons.

    When such a Bill becomes law, it will mean that Glitter-Creep and his kind will either have to take the drugs to control their perv s*x urges, or else face endless years behind bars.

    The s*x control drugs work well in other countries resulting in only about a 3% of repeat offenders.  Whereas under the present system, something like 65% of all s*x offenders repeat their offences once released back into the community.

    Time to fix that.

  8. I'd beat one up.

  9. YES, IF you have a crime against a child you will get whats coming!!!

  10. i know alot of people that are lockd up and i know alot of perverts get there faces rearranged

  11. when a pervert (nonce) is sent to prison depending on the severity and nature of the offence he would be placed on rule 43-segregation from other inmates for his own protection.

    this would especially apply where children are concerned-but generally most serious perverts and all rapists end up there.

    although the 43 rule is designed to "protect" the offender from other prisoners there are ways they can be got at.

    usually it is through the food-the food on isolation is usually served to the prisoner in his cell by a trusty (trusted prisoner)-but these prisoners are easily bought (think about it-would you rather receive an outright beating or everyday not being sure whether the grub is safe to eat!!)


    mucus ends up in the peas-urine in the tea-powdered glass in the potatoes-a razor blade has been known to appear in the soap etc.

    if the nonce is of a weak disposition he will usually end up being the sexual plaything of the other pervs on the wing (especially if he is young).

    physical beatings are sadly rare-due to the do-gooders but the screws (wardens) have on occasion been a bit lax in stopping an attack resulting in the nonce receiving injuries (bear in mind prison wardens have kids as well)-sometimes if we are lucky we may read a story about an attack on a nonce using "prison napalm"-sugar and hot water-but again sadly these instances are rare.

    most of the time the cons (prisoners) are just happy screaming obscenities at the offenders keeping them (and half the prison) awake at night.

  12. Weaker people that won't stand up for themselves in jail get beat up.

    ( I was in jail for pulling a knife on my brother-in-law )

    I had to serve 2 weeks in jail, but then all my charges were dropped.

    I backed a couple bullies down.  Not everyone in jail is tough.

    It takes awhile until prisoners are separated.  

    Some people went into Conan's cell, and read his paper work of why he was in there.  It said, " He raped his wife with the back of a hammer in her butt "

    While he was away talking to the social worker, they raided his room.

    Some people actually tried to justify that you can't rape your wife.

    To tell you the truth, for grown men.  They were in there acting like a bunch of juveniles.  More childish than a sleep away camp ~lol

  13. why?you going to prison.

  14. Unfortunately, no.  There are so many child molesters and rapists in prison now that it is no longer a stigma.

  15. There are different wings for different prisoners. Initially, all prisoners go into one group, unless in extreme circumstances, however, prisoners can request to go into the special care unit, etc, which is what pervs usually do as they can't handle the daily intimidation, abuse, and rape.

  16. Yes they do!

    They also get turned out!

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