
Do pesco vegetarians eat gelatin?

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im a pesco vegetarian and i dont know if i can eat gelatin because it has pork in it




  1. A "pesco vegetarian," doesn't eat land animals, so gelatin is off limits.

  2. Gelatin is made out of boiled animal bones, skin, and tendons.

    I'm a vegetarian, i don't eat any living animal. That's including fish.

    I'd say even "pesco" vegetarians don't eat gelatin. It has ingredients made out of land animals.  

  3. You're an imaginary creature?? There is no such thing as a pesco vegetarian. Vegetarians don't eat ANY animal flesh. Since you're eating animal flesh already you might as well eat the gelatin.

    A pescetarian is an omnivore.


  4. "Pesco vegetarians" are imaginary so they can't eat anything.

    If someone wanted to be a "pescetarian" they could eat whatever they want as they just make up their own 'rules'.

    If you eat fish or dairy or eggs, gelatin is not going to make any difference to any animals.

  5. No they don't.

  6. Sure you can.  Just open your mouth and stick it in.

  7. No because it comes from pigs which is meat.  Pigs aren't fish.  Pesces eat fish but no meat.

  8. no because pigs live on land silly :)

  9. I am a Pescetarian, and I do not eat anything with Gelatine in it.

    Pescetarian are also known as Pesco-vegetarians. This is a shortened version of Pesco-pollo-vegetarianism, which is a vegetarian based diet that also includes fish and chicken.

  10. There is no such thing as a pesco vegetarian.  No type of vegetarians eat fish.  If you eat fish, you are an omnivore.  Since you are an omnivore, it's your personal decision what to eat and not eat.  Real vegetarians (those who eat no dead animals and no slaughter by products) do not eat gelatin

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