
Do pet ferrets really need a cage?

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I'm buying a ferret soon, and the large cages are pretty expensive. I'll buy one if I have to, but couldn't the ferret just sleep in like a small dog bed or in my bed? It could be like a cat, right, with the food and water and toys in appropriate spots.

Also I was wondering if they use litter boxes or something.




  1. Yes, they can get in to small places and could easily get outside. It is for their own good. You don't want to lost them.

  2. Absolutely not, you need a cage for them and the larger it is the better. They do require at least 2 horus of exercise outside the cage for sure per day, but need to be supervised during that. They can get into places anywhere their heads will fit. This means inside the couch and bed mattress (they'll dig a hole in the underside), into the heating ducts, into the washer, dryer and stove from behind, literally anywhere.  I thought I'd ferret proofed the place here till he was out for the first time. Within 5 minutes he found a spot I missed--the underside of the overhang on the kitchen cabinets had a 3/4ths inch section that was open, he somehow wedged himself up and into it and i needed to remove woodwork to get him out. I blocked it off with cardboard but it was a good warning about how easily they can get into small spaces.

    They can also only be 80% housetrained, you'll have p**p and pee everywhere if yours is out and running around.

    No, they are NOT like any cat you can find. They're not like dogs either. They're ferrets--a breed of mustelid.  They dig up any potted plant you have, will tip over and spread out any garbage can contents they can reach, and will tear apart anything they find interesting.  While they will use a litter box occasionally, they never use one 100%.

    There's a book called Ferrets for Dummies, it's actually very good. You'll need to get on a ferret bulletin board as well--there's some on yahoogroups.  

    A ferret is best described as a hyperactive two year old on speed.  You're not going to be dealing with a cat,dog, kitten, puppy or hamster type animal. This is a ferret.

  3. No, they will not sleep in a cat bed like a cat.  They will sleep in your drawer or in your couch, a nice dark spot where you can't find them.  They are weasels, they are very active for short periods of time and then sleep for about 20 hours.  They are not like a cat.

    Yes, if you work really hard with them they will use a box but you must have one in every corner of the rooms they have access to and you must be very patient and loving.  

    You should do some research before you get your little loved one so you will understand their behavior and nutritional needs.   No cheap cat food that is full of corn.  They are strict carnivores and should have a meat diet.  If you do not have a ferret proof home, you will not have that ferret for long.  It will either be dead or just plain gone.

  4. Yes, They Really do need a cage. After some handling and training they can do pretty well outside of a cage in a room that's been made safe for them, but they will still need a cage. I would say to try to get the largest cage you can afford. Ferrets love to play and run around and trust me, they will use all of the space that you can give them. The bigger the better is usually the rule with cages. Here are a couple links for a few really good cages.

    They can be litter trained but it can be a hard process. I would suggest that if you want to litter train them then do some research about it. There are tons of good books about it. If you want to email me, I can help you it's just to much to type on here!

  5. Ferrets are fun pets...... but get real ... they are t**d machines....  if you don't keep them in a cage get ready for your room to smell like a sewage pit.

  6. Yes, I would get a cage. The bigger the cage the better. So that when they're not playing they can still get exercise as they move around the cage. I would get one with a couple floors. You can usually can get one on sale at a petco. That's where I got mine. It was about $100. If you leave them out all the time they get into things. They steal socks, stuffed animals and a lot of other things. They also will p**p on your floor if you don't train them to use a liter box. I would buy a liter box and train them to use it. So when you have to clean the p**p out of the cage you only have to clean it out of the liter box. Also I would buy a second liter box to put in your room or where ever you let them play so they don't go to the bathroom on your floor. They should be let out to play for at least 2 hours a day so they can get plenty of exercise and run out their energy. I hope all of this helps!

  7. I have had a ferret for 5 years and they are so much fun. Congrats, you have chosen a great pet. As for the cage, yes you need something for them to be in. However, you can use anything from the really tall rubbermaid storage bins (no lid of course) to dog kennels. Just put down some old towls or some pine bedding and change them about every 2 wks (or whenever they get dirty). Also, they use litter boxes, somehow they just know to go in the litter, like a cat. I let mine out to play but don't leave them out unattended. I had a male that escaped the cage while I was on vacation and he ended up behind the control panel of my stove. They could easily get hurt. I have a rabbit water bottle and mine eats cat food (the hard kind, way less expensive). Also, they are little thiefs.They love to steal and hide anything shiny or noisy and usually hide all their treasure in the same spot.  

  8. You will want to get a ferret cage. If you don't have enough money to buy a cage then you won't have enough money to support it. They need yearly checkups and vaccines and their food costs around 20 dollars for 7 pounds. You can find a cheap cage on craigs list or ebay. Multi layer cages are the best. If you just let your ferret run around It will be hard to keep track of. It can squeeze into little places you never knew existed and if it gets into the couch cushions and you sit down before checking you will seriously hurt or kill your ferret. The cage is easier to clean and it will keep the smell down because if you let it roam around you won't be able to find everywhere they go to the bathroom and the p**p will just sit and stink.

    Ferrets can and should be trained to use a litter box. They will always go to the bathroom in a corner but if you put a litter box their with p**p already in it they will go there. If they try to go in a different corner you will want to pick them up before they go and put them in the litter box. If you have a cage, after they wake up right before you take them out set them in the litterbox in their cage and give them 5-10 minutes to go. If they try to go behind it keep putting them back in. If they wont' go just let them out but make sure they go in a litterbox when they have to.

    Ferrets are not like cats so don't get them for the wrong reason.

    Have Fun!

  9. I think you should read up a little more on ferrets if your getting one soon....

    They are expensive pets. It is definately not a good idea to not have a cage.

    They use litterboxes.

    I reccommend 'Ferrets For Dummies' by Kim Schilling.

    You can most likely find it at your local pet store, or book store.

    Read it over a few times before making a decision of getting one.

  10. I would definatly get a cage. My sisters ferrets do use the litter box but u have to teach them if the pet store hasnt already. The ferret needs a cage

    good luck


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