
Do petitions ever really work? or do you believe like me, when a decision is taken on something?

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By a government it is very rarely or never reversed




  1. If a decision is made by a government dept. then nothing is going to change that decision, but if the signatures on the petition has reached a sufficient number that the media gets involved then a "charm offencive" begins

  2. Yes petitions work.

    One of the most highly organised and massive petitions of all time here in UK got the Tolpuddle Martyrs released from bondage in Australia and returned to England to a tumultuous heros welcome.

    Power to the People.

    Petition for the Tolpuddle Martyrs

  3. They very rarely work it is all about money, what you or I think has no bearing on anything, I have been part of several petitions over the last couple of years they have been a complete waste of time and considerable effort.

  4. Nope I think they just chuck them as soon as they close the door of Downing Street. The only time things get reversed is if the Media wont let it drop.

  5. never work

  6. if people would all grind to a halt they would work, but it's not likely.

  7. Jamie oliver seemed to do ok with his petition, not that the government minded using a celebrity to pass a heathly eating motion.

  8. Have not worked for years, i've even seen a company lay off all employees on a petition. Once a decision is made their is to much pride in the way to over turn it.

  9. The Poll Tax was reversed, but not by petitions. It was reversed by mass civil disobedience.

    The lesson to everyone, and not only in Britain, should be that a people can stop a government if enough of them are united enough, and brave enough - even civil disobedience, or going on strike, or occupying a public building, takes a certain amount of moral courage.

    So how about making these hired collaborators bring our soldiers home?

  10. depends hun sometimes a petition makes people have a rethink but not that often

  11. Petitions are a device used in so-called democracies to allow it citizens to believe that they are somehow influencing decisions but in reality the whole thing is a charade. It is a way of defusing dissent. Similarly, the same applies to so-called consultation. It's all baloney. If any decision is reversed, it is invariably not because of any petition. It is because in the end it suits them.

    Those who think they work, look at referenda. They are the ultimate petitions, but even they don't work. Ireland voted to reject the Lisbon Treaty, but they are trying to circumvent that. No one wants to let the likes of Georgia join. Keep them OUT.

  12. They provide a nice day out for the bearded ones, so that they can plan what their next petition will be against.

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