
Do pharmacist.......????

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Live high class? Are they up there with doctors and denist as far as money is concerned?




  1. No.

  2. As a pharmacist you will make good money and if work in a hospital you will advise doctors on medications to be prescribed. Furthermore depending on your area of specialization, years of experience, and the job sector you are employed you can make in excess of $100,000 / year. Your salary is a bit lower than a doctor. However as a pharmacist you do not go to school as long as a doctor which means your student loans are less and carry less liability which may mean your real income is higher than a doctor's income.

  3. Very good answer dancing!

    My friend is a pharmacist and she doesnt have to go through all the hard work and stress doctors do so its actually a very good choice.  They are also in high demand and you will make 100k in the current job market.

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