
Do piercings and tattoos really affect where you will and will not go?

by  |  earlier

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I just was curious about this but do you really choose where you will and will not go to get coffee and food and go shopping for clothes by the way the employees look? If your Barista had a visible tattoo would you really not want to get your morning coffee there? If you went to a restaurant (not a super fancy one cause that is understandable) and your server has a visible piercing would you really not want your food? I guess I just want to see how many people really are affected by the way there "servers" looks.




  1. As a woman, with multiple tattoos and piercings, many of which are visible, I am shocked at how some react. I was the manager in a casual restaurant, as well as being head Chef. I was promoted to that position due to my skills, not my appearance. There have been numerous occasions where I had been spotted walking through the dining room by patrons who then asked to see the manager because of my appearance. Imagine their shock when I turned out to be said manager! But I then had the pleasure of throwing close minded bigots out on their butts, so I didn't mind in the least that they thought some tattoos and piercings were going to affect their food. Its sad, really.

    A few years back I was in a local coffee shop when an extremely rude customer refused service from the counter girl who had a bad case of acne. She immediately burst into tears, ran into the back and will probably be scared for life all due to some p***k's opinion. I am a firm believer in Karma, however, and I am sure he will get his someday. Judging someone solely on appearance is your personal loss, as you will miss out on best friends, the hardest working employees, and great people you were to self centered to give a chance. But then again, I am glad some people act this way, as they are not ones I would have wanted in my life anyways.  

  2. Yes.  I find the multiple piercings and tattoos dirty looking.  This doesn't include ear piercings.  I don't care how clean the owner is, I find them cheap and dirty looking.  I once asked for a different waitress for looking dirty and would do it again.  No, I wouldn't, I would just leave.  

  3. it doesnt really bother me unless he had a visible "prince albert" lmao!

  4. Sorry but it does matter. I've been a recruiter for years and the companies always say no visible tattoos or piercings through the nose, lip or brow. When you get older you will see things differently. And you can't tell me that a nice appearance doesn't matter.

    The co. thinks that if they lose one customer because of someones looks, that's too many.

  5. it wouldn't matter to me! if my server has tattoos, I'm gonna ask where they got them, then refer them to my fiance who is a tattoo artist :) piercings and tattoos don't make the person ugly or tacky or nasty, their hygiene does. if they have greasy hair and dirty fingernails, then that's when i will turn down the food and go somewhere else. but, tattoos and piercings, i don't mind at all.

  6. Personally I wouldn't, unless the person serving me owned the place. Then I might be a little weary. Most places have a very strict way of doing things and just because the person has tattoos doesn't make them any less of an employee.

    However. Employers may be making your decision for you. Some employers dont look highly on visible tattoos or piercings. It the job has to do with the public alot of the time they wont get hired.

  7. yes if you have a visible tatoo or peircing it would be hard to get a decent job...

  8. The paragraph you wrote sounds so much like my experiences, I will say though that I am more turned off by certain piercings than by most tattoos, because tattoos can be more easily hidden from view.

    On one occasion, in a sports bar, a waitress came over to our table to take our order with a fairly new tongue piercing, we knew it was new because she could hardly talk or be understood as she told us of the specials. That turned me off!!!

  9. yes it does affect where you will go.

    but this only applies to the real jobs like in offices and such.

    cause who will take a periced up and tatooed up person doing a presentation on company profit seriously?

    in retail places it doesnt matter. i dont care wat my server looks like. as long as their nice and polite. :)

  10. Well obviously we care since this is the person handling ur food/stuff !

  11. Makes no difference to me as long as they have a good attitude.  

  12. yes, in some cases. some times you are asked to keep them covered. If possible. like wear long sleeves.

  13. Honestly, to me, piercing and tattoos wouldn't affect me at all when it comes to servers, the cashiers, etc...

    How they treat me matters more than their looks.

  14. My husband and I are very tattooed and when I enter a clothing store, or coffee shop, or even a doctors clinic I don't care if they have tattoos. It's like "Or good someone I can assimilate with." Older more old fashion people may, but I also think it depends on the tattoo. If it's a demon on fire with Anarchy signs it will probably scare some people off, but a butterfly (however cliché) I believe wouldn't hurt.  

  15. Tattoos and piercings do not bother me at all, as long as the person serving me my food is clean.  

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