
Do piercings set of alarms at security checkpoints in airports?

by  |  earlier

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i have my bellybutton pierced should i take it out before i go to the airport?




  1. It depends on what it is made from but, generally, no, they don't set off alarms.  That depends, of course, what sensitivity the detectors are set to though, and this varies with airport.  I travel on a weekly basis and the metal in my jaw sometimes sets things off, but, most of the time it doesn't.

  2. No, I have mine pierced and I fly all the time.  It should not set it off.

  3. no you should not have to remove the piercing.  If it is showing the guard will see it and be able to identify it with the wand.  If you are really worried remove it but normally it should be ok.

  4. no. i have mine pierced on the top and bottom, and i never have had to take mine out or even be checked for it

  5. it shouldn't.

  6. yes  but  if they see it  then they know what it is

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