
Do pizza delivery people get paid well?

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how well do pizza delivery men/women make out? do they make decent money for the job?




  1. its pretty much on tips

  2. not really some people don't tip well

  3. No!  sometimes they are paid less than minimal wage and have to make up the other half with tips.  sad sad sad

  4. They get paid around minimum wage, but maybe a little less. They make more hourly than a waitress. Some chains give the drivers a certain amount per delivery to cover gas (like, $1), and they also get tips. Some people tip very little, and some tip a lot. You can expect to make as low as $5 on a slow day, and as much as $100 if you're lucky. On average, you will probably make around $30 per night in tips.

  5. I get paid $6.00 an hour plus $1 per delivery. On an average night I take 2 deliveries per hour so I make about $8 an hour. I spend about $6 an hour in fuel. So after fuel expense I make about $2 an hour. So to answer your question no delivery people do not get paid well. We depend on tips for most of our pay. Gas prices are killing us.

  6. no its like a Macdonald job

  7. depends on how good of tips they get.

  8. Its all about the tips. The pay is usually minimum wage.

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