
Do plants with microorganisms grow faster then plants without microorganisms?

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if i get two pots and kill all the microorganisms in one and the other pot i leave to hav normal soil with microorganisms would the soil with the microorganisms grow faster and much better?




  1. yes indeed the plants grown with microorg grow much better than the ones without them cuase the microorg produce certain plant growth regulating hormones better called as plant hormones. you can take the example of legumes. they have rhizobium root nodules in them

  2. Many plants rely on microorgs for nutrient uptake.  One soil microorganism -- Mycorrhizal Fungi-- act as, basically, an extension of the plants roots and help the plant to uptake mineral nutrients from the soil.  In exchange, the fungi receives sugars from the plant.  This is a mutualistic  symbiosis that benefits plant growth and microorganism growth.  

    Microorganisms are also responsible for recycling nutrients in the soil.  They break down Soil Organic Matter and make these nutrients available to plants.  So yes, microorgs should help plants grow faster and better.

  3. probably even microorganism could leave waste or even create chemicals used for plant growth try looking up bamboo for a subject

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