
Do police actually notice if someones car inspection sticker is outdated?

by  |  earlier

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I was supposed to get a new sticker on June 9th. I'm worried about getting pulled over and ticketed.




  1. Happened to me!

    He was driving in opposite direction and make a quick u-turn to snag me!

  2. Fact #1 - the longer you put off renewing your registration, the more past due fines you'll incur (unless you're doing a "Non-Op" and in that case you should not be driving.

    Fact #2 - police have been known to do "sweeps".  Tehy did this in my neighborhood in....1999 or 2000....and overnight they towed 248 unregistered cars.  We had 248 PO'd people in my neighborhood the next morning.  THEY DO LOOK - THEY CAN DO SWEEPS.

    Fact #3 - to get you buy, purchase re-treds and just drive responsibly and don't hotrod around on them until you can replace them with new ones.  AND GET YOUR REGISTRATION TAKEN CARE OF.  Fees are racking up - how much do you want to hand DMV for little colored stickers?  Be smart about this.

  3. yes they definaitly do, my sister got pulled over for that just recently. just go get it, you know eventually they'll just catch you.

  4. They won't see it, unless you're already pulled over for something else (speeding, no seatbelt, talking on your cell), that's usually when they check, but if you're just driving around, following the law they wouldn't be able  to see it. But you don't want to get double ticketed.. But you should do it soon. and if you need new tires, you should definitely change them, just for your own safety.

  5. Yes.

    It's so easy

  6. Yes, they notice. The inspection stickers are different colors for each year, in case you haven't noticed, and after a certain amount of time police will be out looking for sticker violations. They WILL ticket you for an outdated sticker, I don't believe you have to have another violation before they pull you over. Get a sticker ASAP!

  7. i think so but the possibility of them noticing ONLY ur's out of a thousand cars isntr too great, u noe??? but still, go get it fixed just in case

  8. Get it done soon. You maybe had 30 days grace but you're really strethching it now.

  9. Yup-its an easy way to have RS to initiate a traffic stop.

  10. some citys have traffic units whos job is to notice everything.  just get it taken care of lol

  11. They've always noticed mine, sooner or later they'll notice yours.

  12. Yes, they do. In California they give you a warning and a fix it ticket, if it is outdated past 6 months it can be towed if left on the street.

  13. oh god lol. They will notice! Alll they have to see is the color of the sticker and they'll know it's out of date..My brother and I were driving one day and a cop came up behind and pulled us over for get your car inspected.

  14. it all depends on wether the cop wants to be a jerk....

  15. Well first thing is to make sure all your blinkersand other lights work properly and use them.  I heard a cop talk  about how many additional tickets he can write after he pulled some one over for a taillight out or something like that.

  16. If you're worried about it, then get it fixed!

    The police don't make it a priority, but they'll gladly take what they can get to stop you!

  17. Well i guess it depends..

    and if you're lucky..

    my sister didn't change it for a whole year and a half cuz she never noticed..

    no one did actually and she didn't get caught till she had to get her car fixed and the guys like hey.. your sticker is outdated.. for a year!! and she's like oh c**p..

    but yeah.

    they might.. but probably not too quick.. i'm pretty sure they do other things that are more important than look at stickers on cars.. but you never know when they do "sweeps".. just be careful not to speed or run red lights.. and try to get the sticker.. seriously.. fines are so friggen expensive.. and you're gonna be soo pissed off if you gotta pay a buttload for a friggen sticker!  I know I would.

  18. They can tell by the colors of the sticker, and they can do it on a six lane freeway going the opposite direction.

  19. u can chillax cuz they dont reallllly "notice" but u should take care of it if ur worried peace:)

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