
Do police helicopter pilots have to get a college degree?

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Do police helicopter pilots have to get a college degree?




  1. Yes

  2. Nope. But ya gotta be a cop.

  3. A friend of mine looked into it when he got out of the military.What turned him off to the job is he had to walk the beat as a regular police officer for years(I don't remember how many) before he could apply. Those jobs are highly sought after by the police officers. They hire from with in their own ranks, at least in our city.

  4. I am sure it varies from city to city but for the most part they want you to have a miniumum amount of hours. If you have a lot of hours they could honestly care less about a degree or not. A degree can't hurt though.  Go to and do a search and then look at the job requirements.  I know that Los Angelas was recently hiring a Police helicopter pilot.  You can go the military route and not have to have a degree. Helicopter pilots in the Army don't have to have a degree if you are a Warrant Officer. I believe you only needs 6 college credit hours to go to Warrant Officer training school and then from there you go to Helicopter school in Alabama. The school is approximately one year. This would be a pretty good route considering your school is paid and civilian time in a helicopter is rather expensive. Best of luck

  5. dont know about the police for sure, but i know in the military, in order to fly, you have to be an officer. meaning you have to have a bachelors. im assuming the police force is the same thing.

  6. For flight warrant officers, you have to have 15 semester hours.

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