
Do polices like affirmative action negatively impact race relations?

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Do polices like affirmative action negatively impact race relations?




  1. Yes it does.  I remember in the 70's when blacks were given promotions in the Army ahead of more deserving whites.  Even the Blacks that deserved it were looked at as probably second class and resented.  I was even given a bad mark in the Navy as an officer in the 1980's when I said I wouldn't consider someones race in promotions.  Not being a bigot was frowned upon in the Navy.  It is truly sick and National government shouldn't even be allowed to collect racial data or consider it.  The liberals use it to divide people and keep others second class citizens while promising to help them.  All it does is keep the recipients of favors in a second class status and it stains the accomplishments of those that earned it fairly.  I could support giving more jobs to blacks when they were unfairly excluded.  They should never be given lower standards because they are completely capable of achieving higher levels if they work for it.  It is inexcusable in something like the army to promote someone ahead of someone else simply because of his race.  That enrages people.

  2. It does whenever it allows an obviously unqualified individual be promoted or hired instead of someone who has the education and experience simply because of Affirmative Action.

    In many instances the person so promoted won't have the respect of those who work for and with them, not to mention the feelings of those passed over for the job.

    Quite often they will fail in their new jobs because they aren't qualified to do it. Causing problems when they need to be dismissed or demoted.

    Don't get me wrong, I work (happily) with quite a few "minorities" that have gotten their jobs the "right" way. They earned them!

  3. No, they positively impact race relations.

    What affirmative action has a negative impact on is racism. Racist ways of relating to people are definitely negatively impacted by affirmative action.

  4. Opposing and working counter to affirmative action has a negative impact on race relations.  So does racial bigotry.  Oh, wait, those two are the same.

  5. Become a police officer and find out.

  6. In some areas it was absolutely necessary because on ingrained racist and gender  principles of hiring and promotion.

  7. Government policies do that.

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