
Do politically correct people offend you? ?

by  |  earlier

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Serious question. For me, I put them in the same category as smelly people, racists, and rude people. They are all equal opportunity offenders.




  1. only when the diffrence between being polite is clear.

  2. They are very irritating as are people who play along and help invent how people are categorized.  What happened to "Americans"?  Oh wait, I've just offended those from South America or Central America.

    Dang it.

  3. Yes; outside of the workplace, I say what I want to say and I rarely bother with PC. IMO, it's all BS.

  4. The whole idea of being politically correct is not to offend anyone.  

  5. yes! im so sick of everyone trying to be so PC. enough already!

  6. Only when they insist that being "politically correct" should over-ride what is actually right.

    Example: A friend worked at a store that had a policy: Employees caught stealing would be fired and arrested.  Unless it was a black or hispanic employee, then their "special circumstances" were to be considered.  What happened to equal treatment for all?

  7. Me too, i found them to be liars out to get people, not one of them is trustworthy.

  8. They are weaklings who follow lying masters. They say that they are offended but they don't even know what the true definition of being offended is. Its just used to get their way and have special rights that normal people, (And I do mean normal), don't seem to be able to have. Actually to be offended is a self inflicted wound. These people are unpredictable and dangerous. Sooner or later they will be responsible for more and more of our freedoms and rights to be taken away. I know a girl who worked in a bank and she had an "In God we trust" pin on her blouse. Another employee said that she had to take it off because it6 offended her. Then she finally complained to the bank manager. The manager told her that since the same thing was printed on all of the money in the bank, that if she didn't like it, she could go home. (Hooray for our side). Now look at some of the new coins. In God we trust is written on the side of the coin instead of being on the face of the coin. Soon it will just dissappear. Why? Because it is slowly becoming PC to not even be able to talk about God in public because of the whiners who don't even know what they are whining about. They are taking away the rights of others so thay can have their own special rights.

  9. Yes because while I hate racism and people who stereotype for no good reason, PC people just don't want to admit there are truths out there. I ask a question pertaining to my own ethnic backgrounds and communities and I get sh*t "universal" answers as if I didn't already know there's good and bad in everyone. Its time we start talking real if we really want to solve any problems, not hide it under the covers.  

  10. I think in life, there is a time and place for tact, and a time and place for just calling it like it is.

  11. You may be right, but if you have a job on TV or you are a politician, or working at most companies you need to be PC.  

  12. What are you talking bout. Politically correct people are the sensitive, thoughtful people.  

  13. I find overly PC people very offensive and weasly. However I find people who lack manners and sensitivity to minorities even more offensive, so I don't know who is left to like. I have no friends. Oh well.

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