
Do poor A-level results mean I'm not clever?

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I was predicted 2 B's and a C at my A-levels and my English teacher said she thought I could get an A and should get at least a B and I worked hard and revised loads but still only got D's in the actual exams and was saved by my coursework and managed to get a C. Now I feel I'm not actually as clever as my teachers made out and they were just over marking me in mocks and building me up for a fall. What do you think?




  1. Performance and intelligence are two different things.

    Your performance on a test isn't necessarily demonstrative of your abilities. Some people don't take tests well. Some people don't perform well under stress. Some people put too much pressure on themselves to do well and then psych themselves out - and it sounds to me like that's what you did. You had personal expectations and your teachers had expectations - and those bogged you down because you felt like you needed to meet those to prove yourself.

    You don't have to prove yourself and that doesn't mean your teachers set you up for a fall - that means that that's what they (in their experience and wisdom) think you're capable of! Letter grades are a standardized way of measuring performance - not intelligence. Obviously your coursework is better. That, if anything, is a better way to measure your abilities - it's a low-stress environment and you're simply putting into practice whatever theory you just learned.

    Don't beat yourself up over grades. They're just one aspect of your education (unfortunately a weighted one) - and you can always work to improve them. First you've got to believe in yourself and know that you're capable -  you just need to figure out how to use your strengths to your advantage and dispel your weaknesses! Talk to your teachers and see if there's any way they can help you or anything you can do differently to raise your grades.

    Good luck!

  2. Your cleverness was failing to work hard, so you're not as clever as you thought you were.

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