
Do positions affect your number in middle school football.?

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I just had my last day of conditioning and we got our equipment. I was going for D-Line because I'm a bigger kid, but my jersey number is 41. I know a good deal about football and the only positions that I know that are number 41 are fullbacks, safeties and tight ends, but I'm not sure if middle school football works like that. Could anyone tell me if the number matters because I really want to know what position I'm going to be.




  1. middle not sure i would think they did but then again maybe its not a bigger deal, i know in HS it is

  2. Not at all. I was on the team a few years ago as a QB and I was #99.

  3. Numbers really don't matter on Defense, they are used to help the officials make calls on Offensive players. And in Jr. High numbers really don't matter that much. I am an official in Texas and at the Jr. High level we really don't make much of what number a player has, but in High School numbers on Offense are very important to the game

  4. dont worry! i played qb and my number was 9, which makes sense, but my center was number 5! and my wide receiver was in the 60's. theres a little bit of logic but not really in some cases.  

  5. It only matters on offense.  Linemen are 50-79 and backs/receviers must be 1-49 or 80-99 to be eligible receivers.

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