
Do potatoes make you fat?

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Do potatoes make you fat?

My mom thinks so and she'll not eat potatoes anymore.

I'm afraid she'll get anorexia.

I really want to stop this fricken diet thingy.

She only believes things if people other than me say it, so i ask you: do potatoes make you fat?




  1. theyre not really bad for health unless you eat em everyday then mabe youl get fat a lil

  2. Sure, if you eat enough of them.  I wouldn't say stop eating them completely, but cut down on them.  I don't eat them more than once or twice a week.

  3. The food them selves, no, the way they are preapred with lots of butter, oil and fat, YES

  4. Potatoes are very nutritious if prepared the correct way.They are high in carbohydrates but that is good because they supply energy. People often confuse foods that are high in calories with becoming fat because they don't include exercise in the equation.  

  5. Have your mom read this:

    No certain food makes you fat, it is how much you eat of it, how it is prepared and what else you are fueling your body with. Women have less muscle mass than men and it makes it easier to lose the fat if you have more muscle.  The key to true and forever weight loss is to strength train.  Have your mom look at this site for exercises she can do at home:

    Diets do not work, Nutrition/Fitness works and keeps you in shape, healthy, happy and energetic.  If your mom would like some help or advice I would be happy to help you.  Till then visit:

    for excellent help with fitness and food/nutrition.  Kick the diet habit, fuel your body in a healthy manner.  Good Luck!  

  6. potatoes DO make you fat, but it's good fat. In science class we learned how potatoes make energy, long term energy. if you eat potatoes, then you won't need as much energy food as is. so potatoes do make u fat, but it gets burned up later.

    good luck!

  7. NO.  Not as long as you keep them plain and simple.  Do not smother them in butter, cream etc.  Carbohydrates are actually low in fat ans long as you keep them plain and simple.

  8. Nothing makes you fat when you don´t exaggerate.

    Potatoes are actually quiet substantial food (rich in many elements) that can be prepared in many ways as a main course.

    Very crazy not to eat them at all.

    If your mum wishes to keep skinny, she can cut out sweets. That´s something our body doesn´t need at all.


    Will you get fat from eating mashed Your mother really isn't setting a good example.

  10. actually there are a lot of prejudices against the poor potatoes.

    They are very low in calories and very healthy. 100 grams of boiled

    in skin potatoes contains only 80 calories, when 100 grams of pasta

    is 120 (and pasta is a processed food, void of any nutrients but

    empty calories). Then, the skin of potato has more vitamin C than one

    orange! Of course, adding grease and fat to it, or boiling it in fat,

    will make it unhealthy - but so fried  in bacon cabbage.

    Try to eat it with skin, if you can, boiled or baked, with little

    oil. It's very good for health.

  11. no it's over eating everyday and sweets that makes people fat. i'm currently on a diet looking to lose all the weight i gained from my kids over the years and on the diet is potato's. they are filling and don't have much calories. if your mom don't need to lose weight and is anorexic (not eating) then you should try to get her help.

  12. they have no fat whatsoever

    unless if you butter em up like mad

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