
Do ppl ever breastfeed other ppls kids?

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i always thought it to be really strange, but wondered, do ppl ever breastfeed other ppls babies? is it even considered healthy? i read an article about a woman and her twin sis who breastfed eachothers kids and wasnt sure what to think of that




  1. Yes, it is called "wet nursing" and it is thousands of years old.

    It's actually becoming quite popular on the east coast to hire a wet nurse as the nanny for your child.

    The human breast works like this: there are receptors in the areola that "read" the chemical composition of the baby's saliva, and tailor the milk to the child currently feeding.

    Breast milk from ANY woman if far superior to milk from an animal for human babies.

  2. I also read an article that milk sharing is becoming more popular. In the past is  was common for weathly people to hire a wet nurse to nurse their babies. I think it is perfectly healthy. However personally it would be a bit weird for me to do myself.

  3. Breastmilk is healthy, no matter how you get it!!

  4. yes, it's been around forever. Maybe you've heard of a wet nurse? It's perfectly safe and natural, provided that you know for sure that the person who is nursing the baby is not using any drugs or alcohol. some women choose this option when they are unable to produce enough milk but still want to provide their infants with the benefits of breastmilk.  

  5. In some places it is commonly done. There are breast milk banks for people who want to nurse here in the US but can't. So they still get the breastmilk verses formula.

    A friend of mine told her babysitter if she had to.... nurse her daughter. She'd rather have her eat then be hungry when she refused to take the bottle.  

  6. no please don't ever do that, first of all it is disgusting, secondly your milk for you child and your friends milk for her child are different milk, yes it is breast milk, but it is made for your baby, not kids in the neighborhood, anyway hope this helps,.....

  7. yes, its called wet nurse.

    some people still do it.  

  8. Yes it happens. It isn't common due to a frequent "ick" factor associated with it but in the World Health Organization ranking of infant feeding milk from another mother actually ranks higher, as a better alternative, than formula.

    There are also mothers who pump and donate their milk.  Milk banks require very strict standards for donation because of the milk goes to the very sickest of the sick babies. Mom to mom donations are less strict but are becoming more common.

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