
Do ppl hate those who look like them?

by  |  earlier

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i was looking at a question that a teen asked about herself...she asked how would you steryotype her...i noticed the first girl had a picture that looked VERY similar to the asker...the almost looked the same..well the first girl said she was annoying and a poser...hmmm do ppl hate those that look like them?




  1. I have observed over the years that in crowds, people who look alike usually gravitate towards each other.

  2. I go to school with a girl and we look like we could be twins. Anytime someone says we look alike she gets very mad and denies it. Even though its very obvious we do. It seems like she takes it as an insult, even though im thinner and slightly prettier. She doesnt dislike me as a person (i dont think) and I dont dislike her. But we're not exactly best friends either

  3. Well what i would say is if anyone is slim tall good looking they woundnt mind at all who looks like then, speacially for girls as slim tall and pretty is attractive, i know because am a guy and trust and belive me as a guy that being slim/skinnish tall light fair skinned and pretty is the BEST!.

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