
Do ppl tell you that you look angry or mean all the time when your not? What are you zodiac signs?

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So do you get told a lot that you look angry or mean all the time, but your not at all like that your all nice & happy mostly? Just your

Or do u kno anyone like that?

What sun signs or rising signs would make a person look like that?

What are your signs if you are told this?

Possibly put Mars signs too?

And don't ******* say Scorpio...LOL...plz that is like a give away & a stereotype....hahaha but really invovle other signs. :) Thanks......




  1. I'm perpetually crabby but everyone thinks I'm's that Pisces rising thing....

    Cap Sun/Pisces Rising/Aqua moon

  2. Yes in pictures .  I don't smile and people say i look mad or something.  

    aquarius sun

    taurus moon

    cancer rising

    mars in virgo

    * Hi astro twin--Glenn B  :)

  3. lol. yes. Usually when I first meet people, they think I am mean and aggressive, but once they meet me, I can be really friendly. (Until you gain my trust that is..) :P Anyway, I'm a scorpio.. heh and usually I can get a little... angry or mean SOMETIMES, but that doesn't mean I'm like that all the time... Just MOST of the time.. :P

  4. YES OMG. Hahaha. That is SO me. People always tell me I look like I'm about to kill someone. . . I have a pretty bad temper though, so I might not be exactly what your looking for as an answer. (BUT. Most of the time I do not have death on my priority list) xD; I'm a Leo by the wayyy. . .

  5. Yes...ALL THE TIME. If I just relax my face people come running over asking if I'm alright when I'm completly fine. Then when I'm concentrating on something people will automatically assume I'm pissed off! Tis rather annoying.  = /

    Virgo sun

    Scorpio rising

    Taurus moon

  6. Yes, I have been told that I sometimes look grumpy and I'm having the worst day in the world and I'm ready to erupt.  

  7. YES! Even when I am happy or just in a fairly decent mood I still get that! Mostly from people who don't know me....I am told by many people all of the time that I am very intimidating (even when laughing,joking and smiling...) kind of annoy me some times! I don't really get it......?!

    Sun - Sagittarius

    Rising - Capricorn

    Mars - Sagittarius

  8. Yes, people frequently tell me I look angry or sad when I'm not, that's just my normal face, I don't understand why other people think I'm angry and stuff! =p In fact one time a stranger stopped me in the street and demanded to know what terrible thing had happened to make me so sad =s (lol).

    gemini sun

    virgo rising

    cancer moon

    cancer mars

  9. people say I look mean when am not smiling, and when I smile people think im nuts, so I dont really know how to look, but I rather look nuts than serious.

    im a virgo

  10. Well, I have been told that before, but often it is because I am angry. Sometimes I feel a bit pensive and I end up looking very serious and cold. I have had people say that they didn't want to approach me because of this, but it's not something that happens often...I have been told that I look like I'm going to murder someone, but that's often intentional on my part.

    Libra Sun and Rising

  11. Yeah it happens a lot.

    and yea Scorpio is definitely not intimidating

  12. My eyes hurt.

    Anyway, I'm a Capricorn, and people usually tell me that they intimidated by me the first time they met me, but then they realized what a complete doofus I was.

  13. Wow, for once, someone notices this! lol!  :) Well, generally, I guess when I'm walking down the street, I have an approachable, friendly, down to earth, pleasant kind of face. lol!  But, sometimes... especially when I'm concentrating on something or am in a pensive mood, I without realizing furrow my eyebrows and have a straight face.  I didn't even realize I furrowed my eyebrows and such until people started telling me.  It's not that I look scary, but I guess to them I look like something's wrong or I'm kind of upset (maybe even pissed about something.)  And now that I realize I do that, I find I can't concentrate without furrowing my eyebrows!  lol!  :)  But really, for the most part, everytime I pass by a mirror, I always smile at it because I try and be friendly and have an optomisitic attitude. lol.  Although, it's quite ironic that sometimes when I'm sad or kind of upset at someone, especially exasperated, I smile instead without meaning to at all, kind of subconciously I guess.  I'm not a psychologist or anything, but I guess without realizing I kind of hide how I really feel.  While the very few people who know me really understand how I might feel that day, most of my other friends, family, strangers, etc. I am able to fool them with how I feel, intentionally or unintentionally.  Unless I'm really angry or meloncholy, or hurt in any way, I kind of laugh a little or smile at them or at myself even.  Wow, I must sound like such an oddball, but I'm guessing maybe this happens to you or someone else you know?  Well, at least for me, I'm the only one I know who does this...hmm.. :)   I have no clue what rising signs or sun signs that have a tendency to do this but maybe we can compare our zodiac sign and find out...!  O.k. this is my zodiac profile so to speak, lol: Aquarius sun, cancer rising, taurus moon, mars in capricorn, and how about venus in pisces!  There you go, and best of luck with everybody's facial expressions.  Wow, I ramble too much.  haha :)  Hope I made sense.  

    Oh, hey Moondie twin. :)

  14. Half the time, people tell me I look worried; I just shrug and say that it's my "neutral face". The other half of the time, people say I look kind of smug, like the cat that just got the canary. That's usually when I'm people watching and quietly amused by their antics.

    Pisces Sun, Gemini Rising, Pisces Mars.

  15. This makes me so mad! It happens to me all the time.  

    People always ask me if I'm ok, or "what's wrong"

    when I'm totally fine.  I wasn't mad, but thanks..

    I am now.

  16. Well not me, but my friend alwayssssssss looks madd and depressed ... ALWAYS. Like she hates life and she doesn't know how to smile. She smiles sometimes but usually not. She's a pisces btw.

    Im a libra !

  17. a lot of people say that i look angry and intimidating. i'm really not...

    i'm an aries.

  18. I'm a cancer female and i've been told I look mean.

  19. a lot of people say i look kind of called mean and intimidating but i really dont feel that i am...taurus with leo rising! =]

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